Like-Kind and Non-Like-Kind Exchanges

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  • #167023

    I am having trouble understanding how to calculate these. I have Ninja Notes and Becker but it still isn’t clicking. Test in the A.M. so any quick words of wisdom would be great!

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  • Author
  • #340265

    @ akb9874- Remember these three things on the exam:

    Gain/Loss Realized = Amount Realized – Adjusted Basis of Property Given up

    Gain/Loss Recognized= Lessor of Realized Gain or Boot Rec'd (Realized Loss Never Recognized)

    Basis of New Property= Adjusted Basis of Property Given up + Gain Recognized + Boot Paid + Boot Rec'd

    Make sure you practice R1/Capital Gain homework to grasp on like kind exchange business/asset. Good Luck Boss!!!!


    that last part should be – Boot Rec'd πŸ˜‰

    BEC- 80
    REG- 68, 71, July
    AUD- 61 , 84
    FAR- -- 75 πŸ™‚


    Do you always use the Adjusted Basis as your starting point or do you use FMV in certain cases?


    for like-kind exchange, the new basis will always be the adjusted basis

    for non-kind exchange, I think this question best sums it up:

    Nancy Stuart operates a business as a sole proprietorship. In Year One, she trades one of her depreciable assets with a tax basis of $25,000 and a fair value of $34,000 to another company for an asset that does not qualify as being like-kind. This new asset has a fair value of $36,000. To even out the trade, Stuart also had to pay cash of $2,000. What is her tax basis for the new asset and what gain must she report on the exchange for tax purposes?

    A $36,000 and $9,000

    B $34,000 and $2,000

    C $27,000 and zero

    D $25,000 and $11,000

    answer A

    Because the trade was not of like-kind property, the basis of the property given up is removed ($25,000 plus $2,000 or $27,000 in total) and the asset received is recorded at its fair value ($36,000). The difference in the new tax basis ($36,000) and the tax basis given up ($27,000) is recorded as a gain on the exchange.

    BEC- 80
    REG- 68, 71, July
    AUD- 61 , 84
    FAR- -- 75 πŸ™‚


    I had trouble with this until I started breaking down the process in steps. Just know the 3 main calculations in step #1 and everything falls into place.

    Step #1) Calculate the boot received, boot paid, and amount realized

    Boot RECEIVED = Cash RECEIVED + FMV of non like-kind property RECEIVED + net relief of liabilities

    Boot PAID = Cash PAID + FMV of non like-kind property PAID (gave up) + net relief of liabilities assumed

    Amount realized = FMV of New Property received + FMV of Boot received – FMV of Boot paid

    Step #2) Find out realized gain so we can determine recognized gain

    Realized gain = Amount realized – Adjusted basis (NBV) of property given up

    Recognized gain = LESSER of realized gain or boot received

    Step #3) Calculate basis of new property received

    Basis of new property received = Adjusted basis (NBV) of property given up + GAIN RECOGNIZED + Boot Paid – Boot received


    Oh and good luck!



    HOW did you do that????

    AUD - 88
    FAR - 90
    REG - 85
    BEC - 88


    I had no idea we could do that! Yay! and thanks for explaining.


    Emphasized text

    Strong text

    AUD - 88
    FAR - 90
    REG - 85
    BEC - 88


    There you go! I had to google HTML coding real quick because my post originally came out really hard/annoying to read.

    Good luck on REG, I'll be praying for the both of us since I'll be taking it this week too!



    Sorry for asking… but can you include me as well… I really need all the help I can get…

    I'll be praying for all of us…

    B - 62, 70, 72, 79!!!
    A - 68, 81
    R - 70, 82
    F - 84

    "The limit to your abilities is where you place them" - Fortune Cookies


    Yes, of course! You earned good Karma when you contributed with your helpful mnemonic in my other thread πŸ™‚


    If both parties gave boots would the realized gain be the lesser of: gain recognized and boot received-boot paid?


    You only RECOGNIZE gain when you have Realized gain AND Boot Received. The RECOGNIZED gain will be the lesser of BOOT RECEIVED (not paid) or REALIZED gain.


    Thank you!

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