Last minute study advice

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  • #185594

    I’m taking REG on Monday. I have two more full study days (and then potentially Monday since my exam isn’t until 3pm, but I’m thinking I might not study too much because I don’t want to burn out that day).

    Should I take the Becker final exam? I’ve been doing a lot of MCQs and haven’t felt ready to take the exam until now. I’m worried if I take it now and do poorly it will completely pysc me out (even though I know to pretty much add about 10 extra points) or is it worth it to see what stuff I should be focusing in my last days/hours of studying?

    What do you think?

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  • Author
  • #553653

    I think at this point, if there is a chance of it psyching you out, you should just spend the time reviewing weaker areas. The exams are probably better to use to gage your preparation when you have a couple weeks to go, but if you are intent on keeping your test date, I don't see a point in it. Just my opinion though. I am testing 5/27 and will probably take a practice exam this weekend.

    FAR 12/3/14, 87
    AUD 2/3/14, 90
    BEC 4/1/14, 88
    REG 5/27/14, 94

    Licensed CPA, Indiana

    "Successful people do things that unsuccessful people don't want to do"


    I think at this point, if there is a chance of it psyching you out, you should just spend the time reviewing weaker areas. The exams are probably better to use to gage your preparation when you have a couple weeks to go, but if you are intent on keeping your test date, I don't see a point in it. Just my opinion though. I am testing 5/27 and will probably take a practice exam this weekend.

    FAR 12/3/14, 87
    AUD 2/3/14, 90
    BEC 4/1/14, 88
    REG 5/27/14, 94

    Licensed CPA, Indiana

    "Successful people do things that unsuccessful people don't want to do"

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