Just took REG – Finished too early….Did I fail?

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    I just finished REG few hours ago. I felt that the exam was easier than I expected OR perhaps I blew it and don’t even realize? I don’t know how I feel right now. I finished with 45 minutes left and it makes me wonder if I didn’t really understand the material at all.

    I wasn’t 100% prepared for REG because I studied for it simultaneously with BEC and only had a few weeks left to complete REG before my NTS expires. I used Wiley and completed a good amount of the MCQs. I completed the 3 practice mock exams with Wiley but I scored 70% avg on each. With Ninja, I completed a little over 500 MCQs and I was trending 78-79%. I’m not really sure if this was enough but we shall see.

    Has anyone else experience this?

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  • #2660535

    I finished about 45 minutes early on AUD and made an 89. I would go more on how well you felt about your answers. The grading is somewhat a mystery but in general when you average well enough to pass on the review material you will generally do better on the actual test. Unless, you've just memorized correct answers. I made mid 60s on my FAR practice exams and made 83 on actual. Sometimes it's hard to tell, but I'd say you're fine.


    I finished FAR, REG and BEC with about an hour to spare and I finished AUD with about 1.5 hours left. Some just test faster.


    I finished FAR, REG and BEC with about an hour to spare and I finished AUD with about 1.5 hours left. Some just test faster.


    I think you'll be fine, I finished with REG with 30 minutes left and passed with a 79. Took FAR yesterday and finished with 2 minutes left, just seems like sometimes you get SIMs that are quicker than others, or ones that you might just know the material better. No point in worrying now in any case!


    I agree with all the above. I took REG on 7/27 and barely passed lol but hey, who cares it's a 76?! I had almost an hour left and actually worried a lot that i had that much time left. I think part of it was because i was trying to watch my time on the mcqs and rushed myself thru them cuz i thought sims will be terrible.. they were kinda confusing but not super heavy. I left feeling like it could possibly be one of those 73-74 situations you know.. turned out to be prrretty close to that lol


    I only had 10mins left but I took too long on MC trying to rack up as many points there knowing the SIMs would be tough which they were. First two sims were hard and last one was easy (for me) because I knew the topics and it had the authoritative literature question which I was actually able to find within minutes. For anyone taking the exam just make sure you know basis/gain for any situation one could contemplate. I got random scenarios which got me double guessing myself. Hoping I get a pass but don’t feel good about the SIMs in particular. Of the 3 testlets I got 1 entirely correct and maybe 1/2 of the other two correct from what I could tell. Who knows if the partial credit Gods will be on my side this time. Spent 7 weeks prepping and did 1,500-2,000 MC and 100+ SIMS and still felt wobbly about some of the material. Ugh.

    joe willett

    Hey guys.

    Shout out to Jeff.

    Love the material,

    Sat for REG today. I intentionally pushed hard thru the mccqs. SIMS were really hard, Finished with about 30 minutes to spare. CAT wise, exam got really complicated, really quickly, any thoughts ?

    joe willett

    Hey guys.

    Shout out to Jeff.

    Love the material,

    Sat for REG today. I intentionally pushed hard thru the mccqs. SIMS were really hard, Finished with about 30 minutes to spare. CAT wise, exam got really complicated, really quickly, any thoughts ?

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