Just took REG a couple of hours ago - Page 2

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  • #166278

    Just came home from the REG exam. To be honest, the questions in general and particularly TBS were not difficult at all and now I feel so guilty for not trying harder.

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  • #323861

    Thanks @yankeeaccountant!! Appreciate it…I also have Becker so I'm trying to think of amts for 2011 in my head and answer the question. Obviously, I get it wrong, but at least I know the actual amount!! Thanks:!)

    Btw, I'm new to Wiley so the questions are brand new to me. I'm doing mini 10-20 MCQs test and getting about 80%+. Is that good or low? I'm getting 90%+ in Becker, but I've seen those questions 3x before!



    Becker is great, but for some reason, I seem to memorize the questions really quickly. My process is that I go through all the Becker questions first, then move to Wiley until game day. In between, I go back to Becker for progress tests, I like how you can really blast through it quickly. You are doing great in Wiley!! I have done better in smaller/mini quizzes, but when I go full blown, it is all over the place. Mostly, it seems because of the B-law questions. I just took REG in November, so I just used Wiley 2011 and now I am using 2012, and feel like I am seeing a difference in the questions. They seem harder, or I could just be fried! I moved up my exam, and now regretting it. But, now I have to follow through. Serenity now!!

    Good luck to you!



    I totally agree regarding the b-law. They are harder than tax, imo…ugh oh well. You seem to be working very hard, and I'm sure we'll pass it this time around!! Good Luck to both of us!!


    uh yeah…80%+ is good. it's damn good. I'm averaging in the mid 60s. I'm in super duper trouble.

    B 79
    A 75
    R 78
    F 85


    HMU = Hit me up! haha one of my favs

    Class of 2012


    @jjm1181: Thanks, but don't get discouraged. You passed the other three, and you will do just the same with this one. Good Luck!!

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