How are Sims scored?

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  • #166884

    Did I search here couldn’t find the answer (probably due to my subpar research skills)

    How are Sims scored…specifically, says its a Tax Return and you get one item wrong, then all your subtotals and totals could be off For example you are incorrect on say the amount of taxable of Interest then AGI is off, TI is off, Tax liability will be off. Do you lose points for ALL? Also general rules, I assume round up? And again to that point if an answer is 756.50 and you enter 756 and they expect 757, is that wrong? I guess what Im asking is it automatically graded so if the number is an exact match its right otherwise wrong?

    May seem like small details but I could see getting half a sim wrong due to these types of things


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  • Author
  • #327205

    Let's say in a calculation question, when you enter a number in a cell, if you enter the correct answer, you receive credit. If it's wrong, you receive no credit. And yes, if one mistake leads to another mistake, you will get multiple answers wrong. This is not college where an instructor gives you partial credit. It's either right or wrong.


    Parodying Elmer Fudd: Be vewwy vewwy caweful….I am hunting 75's….

    Make sure you take extra time on SIMS. Pay attention to all the little details.


    ok unfortunate but expected to hear; then even more important, what about rounding…general rule?


    It depends. Did the question tell you to round? Usually if the answers end up being something like $3,782.33333….., then they normally would tell you to round. They would say…. round to the nearest cent, the nearest dollar, etc…

    From my experience, I have yet to encounter a Sim where I ended up with an answer like that.

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