Hopefully the very last powerweekend of my life! - Page 2

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    Its that time again Ninjas! Instead of enjoying time off from work with family, friends, and alcohol I will be studying REG. Hoping I pull off a Christmas miracle and pass this section with a 75 and never look back.

    Who’s down to be my plus one for some Season Beatings wile studying at Starbucks listening to Run DMC “Christmas in Hollis” and “Grandma got run over by a Reindeer”

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  • #1369887

    That's a good idea. I may just stop and say today was a waste and clean the house. When my house is super messy I want to do nothing but stress out, when it's super clean I'll at least feel less anxiety and semi productive.

    For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.
    Philippians 4:13


    Not gonna lie that eye of the tiger video helped me pump out another 20 mcqs


    @dzagt there you go! Im pumped looking you scores! I would love to end it how you started it!


    haha ok time to make up for lost time yesterday! LETS DO THISSSSSSSSs

    For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.
    Philippians 4:13


    @nancy ok lets do this!


    Hi guys! Hopefully the very last power weekend for me, too! BEC on Tuesday.

    Yesterday was a beating with an 11 hour training all day, but did do some work during lunch and finished *all* BEC lectures before going to bed!

    Today: hit as many MCQs as possible and work on some WC. Jot down and refresh on weak areas (COSO and forecast models so far). Maybe flashcards.

    I like the idea of pushups for every wrong answer. It's about time I start getting some physical activity back in my life.

    AUD - 99!
    FAR - 08/2016
    REG - 10/2016
    BEC - 12/2016


    @MIRA wish i took my own advice, but hopefully that tip helps you. Been harder to get started today than i thought which is crazy considering how much i dont know about basis.

    R4 here we go, in a fight to the death!


    Hoping for my last power weekend ever and be able to celebrate a holiday with my family. REG on Saturday!!! All I need is a 75…Good luck to everyone

    FAR 2/23/16 76
    AUD 5/13/16 69, 7/5/16 87
    REG Nov 2016
    BEC Sept 6


    I have been studying BEC all weekend. Yesterday was chapters 4 and 5, today 6 and 1, tomorrow 2 and 3 (so I can remember cost accounting for the actual exam), then writing BEC on Tuesday. I think doing questions 10 at a time is good. Or if you are really feeling lazy, 5 at a time. I like seeing the correct answer right away as well.

    You are not alone, but, at least it is not sunny and 80 degrees!

    REG Aug 20/15: 88
    AUD: Feb 29/16: 80
    FAR: Jun 10/16: 80

    Becker self-study, Becker Final Review & NINJA MCQS


    ^ True….from the time I started F7 and watched one lecture it went from green outside to completely covered in white ah!

    For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.
    Philippians 4:13


    I'm in the same boat! I take FAR for the third time on Tuesday. I got sidetracked waiting for my BEC score on the 22nd but I'm trying to cram and hopefully Tuesday is the last time I EVER have to step foot in a Prometric again!

    It's disheartening knowing I've already failed this beast of an exam twice, but I'm hoping I've learned some things from passing all the others. Good luck to everyone testing this week!


    Thank you for posting this! I am sitting for REG 12/10 and I pray (& pray) that this is my last weekend!

    I don't know whether I want to cry from idea of finally being done with this (horrible long) journey or cry from the exhaustion.

    I'm probably being over dramatic, but my FAR expires 12/31. My boss was forced to resign a couple weeks ago and my stress level hit the roof at work. I was able to take PTO two days before the exam to completely focus.

    I wish you all the best of luck and the ability to retain as much as possible!

    AUD (10/14) 62 (2/16) 83
    FAR (8/14)71 (1/24/15)77
    REG (5/14) 69


    @kiester you may need to cry just to relieve some of that pressure. Clear your mind, so you think positive, focus, & execute.


    Gave it all i could today. Time to shut it down.Good luck everyone. Hopefully you guys will see me on the I'm done thread.


    @Wanna_B_TXCP Thanks! Even better yet, I had a glass of wine last night and slept in this morning.

    Boom. Ready to go!

    AUD (10/14) 62 (2/16) 83
    FAR (8/14)71 (1/24/15)77
    REG (5/14) 69

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