Getting Ready to sit for REG (JUL 6th)?!! – Any Advice?????

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    Just wanted to get feedback on what the new test is like and what seems to be the main topics being tested? Right now I am using Becker 10.

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  • #286890

    Memorize the tiny details, Lisa. Do more work now, and u won't regret it when u r in the actual exams.

    The MCQ's topics are evenly spread out, so there were no surprises for me when I took it.

    But as for the Sim, it totally freaked the heck out of me at how detailed the questions were, such as Ages, Limits/Thresholds, Exclusion amounts, Exceptions to penalties, etc.

    So yea, my best advice for u is work hard on the details, and u shall be fine!

    Good Luck!


    If you are using Becker as I did my advise is the real simulation questions are way harder than the Becker ones, also they are not limited to tax and legal topics, but may involve some FAR knowledge. So it would be wise not to waste too much time thinking over MCQs if you are not sure of your answers.

    And as CPA_Rookie just said, the questions may cover very detailed stuffs. So do spend a lot of time to memorize those tax rules.


    Allow enough time to use research tab for sims if you need it. I had one on an extremely obscure topic and would have had no chance w/o using the research. Based on what others have said, I don't think my situation was unusual.

    FAR 4/1/11 - 89
    AUD 4/15/11 - 85
    REG 4/29/11 - 80
    BEC 5/13/11 - 85


    check out phill yaeger's reg youtube videos.


    Practice the simulations as much as possible


    I agree with nightdiver and KB. I have always allowed about 45 minutes to an hour to tackle the simulations. That was not enough for me on the updated REG exam. I would allow more than an hour because the TBS have double the material in them than the prior REG exams! I don't think that Becker's simulation material is sufficient for the updated exam. Anyone else feel this way?


    Details, details, details! Know them! Also, don't panic when you get to the SIMs. It will be natural to ask yourself WTF is this?!



    I agree with J. I allowed 1 1/2 hours for the SIMS. You can get thru the MCQ this quickly because a lot of them are theory rather than calculations. I looked thru all the SIMS and then did all the ones I could do without research first. I ended up spending 45 minutes on the last one. It was a long problem that was poorly worded and asked about a bizarre situation that a tax accountant might see every 10 years or so. There is absolutely no way I could have done it without the research tab. Even with it, I have no idea if I was right because the question was so unclear. Several people have complained about the poor wording of REG questions. I wasn't as bad off as some but there were noticeably more of them on REG than on any of my other exams. My best advice if you get one is to make your best guess as to what they're asking and go from there.

    FAR 4/1/11 - 89
    AUD 4/15/11 - 85
    REG 4/29/11 - 80
    BEC 5/13/11 - 85


    I am over a month into studying for REG and am really taken aback at how difficult the material is. I am studying on my own out of the Wiley book only. This is my last section and I have had good results thus far with my study method, but I am starting to get a bit worried…. (sitting for it 8/29)

    I started with business law and found it painstakingly detailed to the point that after several modules I threw up my hands and decided to move onto tax (I work in tax so I figured it would be the easier portion for me). I am finding the tax section challenging as well, as there seem to be far too many numbers to remember. Is it necessary to know the detailed numbers for each item, ie: AGI phaseouts, thresholds, etc?

    It seems impossible to get all the numbers down pat for each item. The basic items feel manageable (7.5% medical or 2% misc. deductions thresholds, or exemption/deduction amounts for example) But am I expected to know the limitations and phaseouts for even the most obscure credits?

    Your advice would be greatly appreciated!


    @HanahL- I'm having the same issue. I'm hoping to sit for the exam at the end of August, but I just don't know if that will work out. All those tax items like the AGI phaseouts, thresholds, etc. are becoming impossible to remember. And what's worse is that it's totally pointless. In the real world, this stuff is not expected to be memorized. They're just trying to make these exams as hard and stressful as possible and it's very annoying. This is so much harder than FAR.


    CPA MAN,

    Do you know if all of those numbers are required memorization? I feel like if I cover the main important ones I would be ok. For example, I was just doing a Wiley MC on alimony. So memorizing the $15,000 subtraction to work out the recapture amount isn't the biggest deal. I'm ok with that, and maybe the limits for IRA contributions, or years for NOL carryback/forward…. But AGI phaseouts seem really over the top! UGH!

    Are you considering pushing off the exam into the next window?


    According to the Yaeger videos, these numbers need to be memorized. And I'm encountering MC questions that require you to memorize those numbers in order to answer them correctly. So, I'm guessing that we have to memorize these.

    I have two more months left to study, so this might be possible to pull off. I'm going to try to get this done by the end of August. I'm really hoping to pass all 4 parts by the end of this year. I'm not losing hope. If people here can do, so can I. I'm trying to go slow and memorize a little bit at a time.


    KB24 –

    Do you have any advice/methods on using the research tab for simulations. Its seems like the research topics have become more complex as well. Is there a tool/site that you are using to practice searching the IRC? I am not currently in the industry and don't have much experience in this area.


    You can never memorize too much for REG. Keep memorizing right up until the exam. Never know which number might bust you over the 75 mark.

    FAR: 84
    AUD: 95
    REG: 78
    BEC: 88
    ETHICS: 100



    It's definitely harder to do research on REG than on AUD or FAR. It's harder to find what you're looking for and often it's not all that clear. Having said that I'd suggest you

    — refresh yourself on Boolean searchs before the exam if you don't feel like you're very strong in this area

    — if you get a ton or no responses, think about what synonym(s) you could use for the key term(s) – I find the Code frequently uses a different term than I normally would

    — the first few paragraphs of a section are often definitions – you can usually skim thru these and go back if you need to

    — use the split screen feature so you can double check exactly what you're looking for without flipping back and forth

    — on the research question the info will often be very close in wording to the Code – read thru the entire section to verify that your choice best fits the question

    –if you're using research for a SIM don't expect miracles. It can help, but it's often not real clear as to what you need to do. However, it can get you on the right trAck if you're at a complete loss. Combine that with your existing knowledge and you have a reasonable chance of getting it right or at least getting some partial credit.

    Good luck.

    FAR 4/1/11 - 89
    AUD 4/15/11 - 85
    REG 4/29/11 - 80
    BEC 5/13/11 - 85

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