First timer……..I need help with something

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  • #162498

    I took the test on 7/31 and received a 67. This was my breakdown of my performance:

    Ethics and Law – Comparable

    Bus Law – Comparable

    Fed Tax Purposes – Comparable

    Tax on Property Transactions – Weaker

    Tax on Individuals – Comparable

    Tax on Entities – Stronger

    Multiple Choice – Comparable

    Sims – Weaker

    Sorry I know this is pretty drawn out but, I found with Becker that doing the MC over and over again only had me memorizing the answers and not fundamentally understanding what was going on. I bombed the sims (obviously) and I really had no idea how to do the research questions.

    My question is I started studying again for it this week, long delay was tax season, how should I approach it?

    Thanks guys

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  • Author
  • #305417

    67 is a long way from passing. Don't bother with the report and study it like you are taking it for the first time.I would suggest you read all the material again and crank out all the MCQ more than one time. If you have the money, I would suggest buying the Wiley online test bank to supplement it with your Becker material. Good luck.

    AUD - 83 Feb11
    REG - 75 May11
    BEC - 73 July11 84 Oct11
    FAR - 63 Aug11 76 Feb12 I'M DONE!!!!!


    Zizoty, thank you for the response. I have the Weilly test bank along with Becker so I guess i'll just rewatch all of the lectures and just pound questions after that.


    anyone else have any suggestions?


    If you have Becker and Wiley, I am not sure I follow how you had no idea how to do the research questions. Did you any of them in your preparation for the exam? Its quite simple, you either do a key word search or you use the table of contents on the left hand side. What part of the research is giving you problems?


    I agree with Zizoty. You should study for this as if you were approaching it for the first time. Also, does the Wiley test bank include simulations? If so, definitely try to focus on practicing those. If not, then I suggest investing in Gleim, they have a pretty good simulation wizard.

    As for the MCQs, make sure that you spend time reviewing the questions and answers to understand why one answer is correct and why the other 3 aren't. That'll reinforce your understanding of the material.

    FAR 88 (07/15/11)
    BEC 83 (08/31/11)
    AUD 81 (10/15/11)
    REG 83 (11/26/11)

    Used NIU Correspondence CPA Review



    I can relate to your situation with my first attempt, which was FAR. I spent tons of time following the “suggested methods.” I didn't want to memorize, but naturally felt I was memorizing answers/questions.

    The big help for me was the free ninja planner, to set a path forward. The next big help was writing notes, then later on rewriting. I swear by the ninja planner and rewriting note. You will still get the “ah-ha” moments when rewriting.

    FAR - 66, 77
    AUD - 63, 76
    BEC - 70, 83
    REG - 72, 79


    From my scores, you can see I took each section twice. I look back and each time during the second time, I had a lot of “ah-ha” moments. I took FAR, then AUD. I applied writing and reriting for my passing FAR score. The third exam was BEC, which I integrated the ninja planner.

    At the end of the day, I've found the ninja planner, Jeff's suggestions of randomly doing tons of M.C.'s during crunch time, and supplementing with low cost alternatives will give you the best fighting chance. I used Becker all the way until the last exam (REG), which I integrated a website for CPA exam studying,

    Remember, no review course will have the exact questions/simulations as the exam…you may get lucky and find familiar ones. Finally, the more you efficiently study the more your increasing your odds…thats the real deal.

    Best of luck!

    FAR - 66, 77
    AUD - 63, 76
    BEC - 70, 83
    REG - 72, 79



    thank you for the suggestions. I will definitely try the ninja planner

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