Feel so stressful – big 4 Busy season + Reg Study

  • Creator
  • #188789

    okay this is friday night. I am sitting in the office and trying to study my reg. it has been three weeks and i am still on reg 3. I have no idea what is going on, and i am totally stress out.

    i work 12+ hours everyday since the last week of august, and i can feel the busy season starts to kick it. everyday there are 9,000 things flying around and i need to keep most of them on my mind. evidence, documentations, conference call, walkthrough bla bla bla,

    sometimes i feel like i am living in the unhealthiest life style in the world – sitting in the same spot for 12 hours and staring at the computer. I want to pass reg. i want to pass reg so bad so i can move on the aud which is my last section. everyday i just feel like i can never finish that. i squeezed two hours each day and tried to study. just feel so tired after working 12 hours and cannot memorize any of those craps.

    sorry guys i know i have been throwing so much psychological garbage at this point. what should i do?? why life is so torture??????? AHHHHHHHHHHHH

    BEC - 77
    FAR - 69, 70, 76
    REG - Waiting
    AUD - Jan 2015

    Just Do It.

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  • Author
  • #609620

    Anyway you can save the studying until busy season is over? My employer advises us not to try and take exams mid-January through April 15th. There are perks to waiting until busy season is over to take exams at my firm. Paid half day to sit for the exam, study during downtime at your desk, etc.



    You passed FAR, you can pass REG, easily..

    I would recommend studying before work (if at all possible), and utilizing weekends as miserable as it sounds..


    It is hard without a doubt but there's a lot to be said about a persons attitude toward it. People can take the attitude that it's “torture” and it WILL be tortute or they can take the attitude that they're up to the challenge and will find a way to make it work. It's really THAT simple.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.

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