Failed REG Twice – Advice On Study Materials

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  • #192652

    Hi gang. I took REG originally in Oct 2014 using only Becker and got a 73. I went through all lectures and did the multiple choice questions 2X. The reason I didn’t pass in October was due to poor performance on the SIMS. When I took REG again in Feb 2015, I literally started from scratch with Becker. I reset my statistics, re-did all lectures and MCQ’s. I also did purchase Ninja MCQs 4 days before my exam and probably did 300 MCQ’s and 20 SIMS. I found out yesterday I got a 69! My score report hasn’t come in the mail yet, but I’m convinced I didn’t pass b/c I bombed the SIMS. I’m coming back with a vengeance for my re-take next month!!

    Do you think I’ll be okay re-reading my becker book and going hard at Ninja MCQ’s and Ninja SIMS? Do you think I need to add the Ninja book/notes/audio? I’m also considering purchasing the Gleim Simulation Wizard b/c I know that’s my weak area.

    Any advice would be appreciated!

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  • #656541

    My advice would be to do way more MCQ. You should be in the thousands, not hundreds. Do some sims too (I think I tried to do 40 of the Ninja ones) but realize that if you understand the topics in the MCQ, the sims will follow naturally.

    Good luck! You are close.

    BEC - 72, 82! ✓
    FAR - 80! ✓
    AUD - 70, 92! ✓
    REG - 74, 78! ✓

    Licensed CPA 5/2015


    Same advice….

    MCQ…MCQ… least 6,000 MCQ….

    REG - 80 (02/13/2015) Roger + Ninja Flash Card + Ninja MCQ + Becker's Note
    FAR - 84 (05/29/2015) Roger + Ninja MCQ + Some Wiley book questions
    BEC - 77 (08/27/2015) Roger + Ninja MCQ + Half Wiley book questions
    AUD - 87 (08/28/2015) Roger + Ninja MCQ + Half Wiley book questions


    I did each MCQ in Becker at least (on average) 4 times.


    Starting my study journey for REG within the next couple of days. Tentatively scheduled to sit on 5/1, so I have some time but work has been absolutely crazy.

    I don't have much experience with REG… but as I did for AUD, I will be using Roger CPA review lectures, and will most likely purchase the NINJA MCQ once I get through the initial phase of the material and really start drilling into MCQs. Not sure who else uses Roger, but I find his lectures to be helpful. He is a great teacher. I follow along in the book and rapidly take notes in the book as Rog spits out information. He advises you to go back and read the chapter over, but I couldn't bring myself to read the full chapters over. I would skim through my notes and focus on any difficult areas/concepts I flagged while the lecture was playing. I hope this advice helps some people. The Ninja MCQ also really helped and I felt it was a better tool for performing and tracking MCQ progress.

    *Note – initially wanted this post to go to REG 2Q Study Group but figured it might still be helpful here. Best of luck, I'll be frequenting the REG study group forum and will offer as much help and advice as possible!*

    AUD - 90 (2.26.2015)
    BEC - 76 (5.4.2015)
    REG - 79 (8.31.2015)
    FAR - 76 (2.22.2016)

    Roger and Ninja MCQ FTW.


    Yes, absolutely get ninja notes and audio! My REG scores below came from Yaeger/Wiley the first 2 tries and almost straight ninja notes/audio/mcq on the 3rd try. I had the whole 10 pt combo but honestly only watched maybe the first two videos. Tax sucks for so many reasons, but Jeff's explanations have been the simplest, easiest explanations I've ever come across. And considering how the ninja materials are such a bargain price it is 100% worth it! Good luck!

    FAR - 75
    AUD - 72; 87
    REG - 64; 74; 84
    BEC - 88



    Thanks for the replies guys. I don't think I mentioned that my becker license already expired in early January (I already utilized the 90 day extension).

    @Mika – Where would I get access to 6000 MCQ? I think there is like ~1900 REG Ninja MCQ.

    Also do you guys think I need to purchase the Ninja REG book? I already have the Becker REG book. Would Ninja Notes be sufficient for me? Please advise, I'm getting desperate!

    Laura M.

    @LongShot I am very encouraged by your post! I failed with CPAexcel and I had NINJA notes. I purchased NINJA MCQ 2 days before my exam so I don't really count that as using that in my fail. I just got the audio, books and will use the notes and MCQ this time and pray I pass!

    FAR - 82
    AUD - 79 (lost credit), 75
    BEC - 76
    REG - 91

    CPAexcel and Ninja Notes and Ninja MCQ

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