Failed REG for third time, how to proceed? - Page 2

  • Creator
  • #185723

    I failed REG for the third time. My scores are 47, 60, and 70. I am just devastated. I have CPAexcel, Wiley Test Bank, Wiley Textbook, Ninja Notes, and Ninja Audio at my disposal (though I did go through all of the Wiley Test Bank questions). How long should I spend reviewing for my 4th attempt? And should I just focus on MCQ and sims or should I go over all of the CPAexcel lectures again?

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  • Author
  • #588259

    Awesome! I know the feeling to be fail a section multiple (3) times before finally passing it. Good Work!

    FAR- PASSED (11/13)
    REG- PASSED (2/14)
    BEC- PASSED (5/14)
    AUD- PASSED (8/14)

    If it's important to you, you will find a way. If it isn't, you will find an excuse.

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