failed Reg by 1 point

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  • #188590

    Hi everyone, I am new to the forum…Reg was my first section. I took the exam on 8/29 and got my scores on 9/9 only to see the disappointment of a “74”. I felt really confident when i took the test but obviously I dropped the ball somewhere. I plan to retake the test as soon as I can in 10/2014. My question to you all is whether the retest will be the same as the initial test? I believe that I know where I fell short and really plan to study again but I want to know what I should focus on…if the retest is the same, I think i should be fine..

    REG – 74

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  • #601763
    Tax lady

    I feel your pain. I made a 73. It most likely will be a completely different test so we need to study as though we are preparing for the initial exam. Luckily I think I remember a lot of it but I'm going over EVERYTHING again in my re-study and really making sure my weak areas are strong areas. I took a chance on my exam that my two weak areas wouldn't be on there and they were heavily tested.

    REG 8/15/14 (73); 11/13/14 (82)-expired 🙁
    AUD 5/30/15 (80)
    BEC 11/28/15 (75)
    FAR 7/30/16

    Studying with CPAexcel and Ninja notes/MCQ's/Flashcards


    As in the same exact questions? No, obviously similar topics but will be quite different in all likelihood. And besides, your test lets are determined how well you did on the prior one. For example, if you performed well on test let #1, you will get the hard version for #2.


    Well Guys I pretty much feel the same right now. I failed with a 73! I studied a lot and this was supposed to be my final part 🙁 I really know my mistakes that I did in my previous exam but I don't know how well will I be prepared for the next exam as I lost my self-confidence.


    a good rule of thumb is to study for a retest as if it were your first time. You are not looking for one more point, you are looking for 75 more. As someone who has taken the same section in 3 consecutive windows I can assure you the retest is far from the same.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    thanks everyone! My plan is to restudy for REG in entirety. I feel pretty comfortable with the content and want to retake the exam while the info is still fresh.


    thanks everyone! My plan is to restudy for REG in entirety. I feel pretty comfortable with the content and want to retake the exam while the info is still fresh.


    Study everything.. Took my first reg exam in April and failed with a 73.. I went back and re studied everything. Initially used Becker and for my retake, i added Wiley questions. Retook Reg in August and luckily passed. Unless you studied while waiting for the results, a 74 is the same as a 47!

    If you feel you can skip the lectures, hit the questions hard! Topic by topic, chapter by chapter. Regulation is a beast.

    Good luck!!

    FAR: DONE!~72,76
    AUD: DONE!!~82
    REG: DONE!!!~73,85
    BEC: Done!!!!~76, 83
    ETHICS: 91


    I had to retake AUD once and FAR twice. None of my retakes were similar to the original, although FAR was way out there in terms of being different. Not even close.

    FAR-69(didn't study),73,84(9/14)


    I've gotten a 74, 70, 71 before. My friend failed AUD twice in a row with 74s.

    It's brutal but you somehow have to accept it to move on (although I still don't accept my Feb 2014 FAR 74 tho)

    Always re-study like you've never taken the exam again. ALWAYS. If you did bad in 2 areas but great in the other 3 areas… you better believe you will get less questions in the two bad areas the next time (because you probably will study those a lot more than the other areas) then fail again.

    AUD: 84
    REG: 84
    BEC: 79
    FAR: 83

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