Failed Reg 18Q3 already signed up for FAR 18Q4

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  • #2015303

    I failed Reg with a 55 in quarter 3 but I had already signed up and paid for FAR for quarter 4. I have 4 weeks after far to restudy for REG and take it Q4 or I can learn the new material for 2019. How do you think I should proceed if my main focus is FAR until mid November and I did bad on REG in Q3? Reg 2018Q4 or 2019Q1?

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  • #2015450

    There's another thread out there right now with a similar question. Responses there suggested not taking REG in 1Q19 if it's not your last section. After FAR, do you have anything left other than REG? If so, it may be good to take another section in Q1 and push REG until later, assuming you aren't going to lose any credits after Q1.

    Alternatively, how much time can you commit to studying between your FAR date and whenever the latest possible date you could take REG in 4Q18 is? Technically I think it's December 10th, but scheduling may be rough for REG this quarter. If you can commit a lot of time to studying in those few weeks, I'd sit in Q4, especially if it is your last section.


    Reg was my first test and far will be my 2nd so I technically have all the time in the world to study and take the exams. So I should do something like Q2 and not Q1 or this December?


    How much time can you commit to studying- do you work full-time/go to school/have kids or other commitments? The reason I ask is that a 55 suggests significant shortcomings, not minor ones. If you can study full-time, 4 weeks is probably enough time to overcome this. However, I wouldn't suggest that when you re-take (in 2018 or 2019 however you decide) that you try to study by brushing up. It should be a from the beginning or near-beginning approach.


    I am currently unemployed and no kids or commitments as I’ve been studying and taking a break from work since I just graduated in June. I just don’t want to set myself up to fail again if 4 weeks isn’t enough time since I did so poor but I’m unsure how tough the new rules will be to learn. Tax was never my strong suit and I didn’t learn much about it in college so failing wasn’t a surprise for my first time I just don’t want to have to take it 3 times.


    Go for it then. 4 weeks studying full-time is enough to take or re-take REG if you commit 100%. Like I previously mentioned, I would study like you are starting from the beginning again. You'll find you probably work through some areas pretty quickly, and others that take just as long. Do all of the multiple choice questions, and make sure you understand WHY the answer is right, not just WHICH answer is right. I think in some ways condensing the study schedule makes things easier as there is less time to forget what you learned in the beginning.
    Good luck.

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