E&P (Regulation)

  • Creator
  • #172769

    I am not able to grasp the logic between E&P and taxable income. .

    Eg. If we add federal taxes back to Taxable income , why are we reducing it from E& P?

    Is it the the same logic between retained earnings and book income ??

    Does E& P represent corporation ability to pay shareholder’s dividend. So if we pay federal taxes and receive LIC proceeds . it decrease / increase the E&P respectievely. but have opposite effect on Taxable Income . Am I making sense?

    So much information , I am having hard time to retain it !!

    Can someone please explain this in simple language?

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  • Author
  • #357593

    E&P is basically money available for distribution to shareholders. It includes all the non-taxable income (increase) as well as any disallowed losses (decrease). You basially use regular GAAP (or close to it) to calculate E&P not Tax rules.

    FAR - 85 November 2011
    AUD - 81 January 2012
    REG - 68 March 2012
    BEC - 86 April 2012
    REG - 92 July 2012

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