Does the REG exam have many references to 2013?

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  • #178179

    I am studying for REG using the 2012 Becker edition. I am nervous that the information I am studying is not very up to date. However, I do not want to study my material and all the updates. I am not sure if I should study 2012 and 2013 numbers. For example exemption amounts, limit amounts, etc. Does the exam ask about many current year numbers? How up to date is the exam? Basically, which year should I look at ?

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  • #429216

    I am in the same boat, my test is on 8/31, How did it go for you? Should I focus on any updates aside from the section 179 and medical exp limit going from 7.5-10%? Do you this it is necessary to get a new book or the NINJA notes?


    Well nobody can tell you exactly what is on the exam because @ each exam you agree not disclose the content.

    That said somebody may be able to tell you were to find the 2013 updates for Becker.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    Thanks @mla1169, I have the becker updates. I had been looking up the updated figures on the IRS website, not gonna waste time doing that anymore.


    If the exam asks questions on any number, it will be on 2013 numbers. There would be absolutely no value added in memorizing 2012 numbers. The updates are not just there for giggles.


    What is this about the medical expense limit changing for 7.5% to 10%? I haven't heard/seen this which is probably bad considering I work in tax. I checked the IRS site and the percentage seems to still be 7.5%. Am I missing something?


    It changed to 10% this year for taxpayers under the age of 65. Still 7.5% for 65 and older.

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