Does anyone ever feel really ready for REG? - Page 2

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  • #176266

    My test is next Thursday and I’m terrified, to say the least. I have been preparing like crazy, done close to 1200 MCQ’s, outlined chapters, listened to the lectures all the way through but I feel like I can’t keep anything straight. Maybe I’ve overstudied, if there is such a thing, but I felt good about the test until two days ago and now I’m really stressed out over it. Does anyone ever feel like they’re truly ready for this beast of a test?

    AUD: PASSED [81]; Expired, retaking August 23rd
    BEC: PASSED [83]; Expired, retaking July 11th
    REG: PASSED [83]
    FAR: FAILED [64]; Retaking May 23rd

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  • #398644

    I took my exam on Friday and don't think I did too well. There is just so much material and I was getting frustrated with how much I forgot.

    Oh well. Hopefully if I have to take it again, I'll be better off re-studying all the material and remembering it from the first time I studied.

    MustPass, I felt the exact same way. I was finished studying the b-law/agency/commercial paper stuff and then went back and re-studied the tax portions. Then I'd forget everything else! Ahhhh!

    R - *77*(02/'13)-Becker & NINJA
    A - 71('11); *87*(04/'13)-Becker & NINJA
    F - *76*(08/'13)-Becker & NINJA - "server upgrade" survivor
    B - 60('11); *82*(10/'13) -Becker & NINA


    CPA in Massachusetts; issued 01/24/14


    I took REG on Saturday for the third time – I'm not confident about my score at all. I think there is a shot that I passed but a better shot that I failed.

    The exam really does test all of the nuances and intricacies of blaw and tax. I had studied everything that I struggled with on the test but either not detailed enough or the way of looking at the issue is just plain different then how becker tested in the MC. Also, like others have said, I really struggled in bringing together all the different nuances that go along with the taxation of C corp, S Corp, estate/trust, not for profit, and partnerships – it all just ran together for me by the end of my studying. Whatever I looked at last was what I remembered.

    I also was frustrated with 3 or 4 questions that just seemed flat out ambiguous in their wording. I seriously could not figure out what the question was asking me!

    Good luck for those of you all who are taking this test soon.


    I'm getting to the point where I want to throw my computer and walk away from it all! I don't think I've been this frustrated with a section yet

    AUD: PASSED [81]; Expired, retaking August 23rd
    BEC: PASSED [83]; Expired, retaking July 11th
    REG: PASSED [83]
    FAR: FAILED [64]; Retaking May 23rd


    @MustPass1988… I'm ready to throw my computer against the wall, then pick it up and throw it off a cliff, then drive to where it lands and run over it… twice.

    My test is tomorrow and the details and nuances of this section are brutal. Good luck to everyone out there braving this monster of REG… I'm taking my shot tomorrow. Hope I find a way to make it through!

    FAR - 2012 - PASSED (YAEGER)

    ETHICS - 2013 - PASSED

    DONE!!! Thank you A71 for all the support! Hiya!!!


    Good luck everyone! I hope you all get an easier exam than I did. I will jump for joy if I pass, but I'm expecting the worst.

    R - *77*(02/'13)-Becker & NINJA
    A - 71('11); *87*(04/'13)-Becker & NINJA
    F - *76*(08/'13)-Becker & NINJA - "server upgrade" survivor
    B - 60('11); *82*(10/'13) -Becker & NINA


    CPA in Massachusetts; issued 01/24/14


    I'm reviewing right now and just got a sim that listed the balance sheet for a partnership and required you to fill out, for items 1-13, the balances for form 1065, Form K, and Form K-1. HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO MEMORIZE THE FORMS?! gahhh

    AUD: PASSED [81]; Expired, retaking August 23rd
    BEC: PASSED [83]; Expired, retaking July 11th
    REG: PASSED [83]
    FAR: FAILED [64]; Retaking May 23rd


    I felt completely unprepared. My hubby said he had never seen me as frustrated as I was with REG. But I was also 8 months pregnant when I took it. I walked out with a sense of relief. I assumed I failed and decided I would pursue the CPA in a few years so I didn't have to study anymore. I was kind of sad when I checked my score and realized I passed and had to continue studying.

    That just goes to show that you know more than you realize.

    AUD 2/2011 76 (lost credit), 2/2013 71, 7/2013 78
    REG 2/2012 82
    BEC 2/2013 75
    FAR 4/2013 75

    5 years in private accounting, < 1 year in public accounting. Runner, mommy, dog and cat lover. SO glad I took the exam before I went to public accounting.


    I think that your work/educational background are a huge boost to your comprehension of a particular section! I work in public accounting and have for many years, so the tax side of REG was easy pickings for me but the LAW section was killer!!!! I am not nor do I ever want to be an attorney, so the non-tax part of REG was a huge drag and almost did me in on exam day as evidenced by my 75! I do think that prior tax experience is a huge asset in REG. Auditing is my Achilles heel, I have never worked in auditing and I think it is a miserable art! You do SO much compliance work to basically CYA against being sued. Ugh. Although I do get very similar comments about working in tax! πŸ˜‰

    Good Luck and keep at it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! πŸ™‚

    REG: 75 DONE πŸ™‚
    AUD: 61, 71, 68, 92 DONE πŸ™‚
    BEC: 76 DONE πŸ™‚
    FAR: 72, 74, 79 DONE πŸ™‚
    Licensed Michigan CPA πŸ™‚
    -Some people dream of success...others wake up and work hard for it!!!
    -The cowards never start and the weak die along the way!
    -You better work, b***h!
    -Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.-JFK

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