Difference between IRC vs TS in Research Sims?

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  • #172267

    What’s the difference between the two and how do you know which one to use? I’m assuming TS is tax section? I’m not a tax person so I thought I might ask.

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  • #391169

    I am looking for the answer to the same question. but no help.

    IRC (internal revenue code)

    I have trouble answering research question, when it ask “find section or subsection of some code” I dont know, when to use IRC or TS?




    I can try to help. It seems, at least on Becker, when asking for a section/subsection, it is almost always referring to the IRC (Internal revenue Code). For example

    “Find the code section and subsection for the amortization period for intangibles, such as franchises and trademarks” (THIS IS NOT FROM THE CPA EXAM)

    For this one I clicked on the IRC section (In Becker) and used an advanced search and typed in “containing words” Amortization and Intangibles. It brought me to a list of 11 places where these two words were found near eachother. After scanning each one it was apparent that the section I wanted was IRC 197 a


    Not a great answer to your question, but the advanced search seems to be very effective if you practice using it. Also, like I said, almost every answer (becker), I've found in the IRC research section


    I just stumbled upon this post as I had the same question a couple minutes ago while doing a tbs research question.

    Luckily, I found what TS stands for by just clicking around in the table of contents section under the authoritative literature tab.

    “TS” stands for “Tax Services”

    If you click on:

    Authoritative Literature > AICPA Professional Standards > Tax Services [TS] (Bingo!)

    Hope this will help those of you who come after posting this. I know it it's too late for the person who started this thread.

    Good Luck to you in your quest to pass the cpa exam.


    TS would probably have to do with standards and regulations for those who provide tax services (like a tax preparer having to have a TPIN or whatever) and other ethical, objectivity standards, etc.

    IRC code would be looking up rules to a tax issue (What type of gain do you record when the cash distribution exceeds your basis in a partnership, etc.) <– Also not from the CPA exam (just what I'm studying right meow.)

    Hope this helps

    B-85 OCT 2012
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    Used Roger 2012 + Wiley + NINJA Notes

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