Did anyone find REG easy?

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    I’m onto my last section and it’s REG! Scheduled to take it on 12/9 and will start studying this week. At first, I’m feeling okay about it but after reading forums here, looks like it just as hard as FAR if not harder!

    Thoughts and advice to REG please 🙂
    Just want to pass it right away and be done with this agony…

    I use 100% Becker!

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  • #1638623

    yeah I'm in the same boat as you. I found REG to be a lot harder since it doesn't really correlate with the other exams. The other 3 felt a lot familiar since some of the subject relates to the other exams. Do you use becker only? I found ninja mcq to be a lot more useful to me than using becker alone.


    I wouldn't say it was easy but if you put the time in, you will pass. There is just a lot of little things you need to remember. NINJA was a HUGE help for this. Recommend doing as many NINJA questions as you can for sure.


    Prob because I work in Tax I was able to pass with a comfortable margin (not bragging). As shown by my FAR scores I'm struggling like crazy! REG isn't too complexed just do a lot of MCQ and SIMS u will be fine.


    I found REG to be easier than BEC and FAR. I thought tax involved a lot of memorization and not much more. Ethics can give you a headache with all the fluff but the majority of the ethics stuff is straightforward. Business law was kinda a pain and it took me two runs through that section before I really grasped it but overall I found REG to be the second easiest exam behind AUD.


    impressive scores @superdude! were u working while studying or full time study?


    Honestly, REG is really tough at first. Granted I just recently failed, it does get easier over time. In the beginning, I thought it was harder than FAR, but after you hit the bigger areas repeatedly,it all starts to click. What makes REG hard are the TBS. In my opinion having tax experience is a game changer for a lot of people taking REG in comparison to the other parts of the exam.


    I was able to pass REG first try but honestly don't know how I did. It was the most challenging for me personally (even though AUD was lower grade). The sims were tough for me, but I was pleasantly surprised with my grade. But I also found FAR to be the easiest of the exams then BEC, AUD, and REG. I'm bias and don't like Tax stuff that much. Its mostly memorization so notecards are key.


    REG has by far been the most difficult section for me. I actually find it, dare I say, enjoyable to study for because it is very useful/relevant information. But it is difficult because the IRC is not like GAAP. The learning requires memorization of a lot of randomness. GAAP/IFRS on the other hand make sense and are based off the Concepts, so there is more rhyme to the reason.

    I would recommend getting your hands on as many practice SIMs as you can. You can study your life away and be prepared on the MCQs and other material, but if you don't know what you're doing on the SIMs, you could end up short on the points you need to pass.


    I felt as if REG was the most practical/relevant out of the four exams. I felt that repetition and memorization (as a couple of others mentioned here) were they key for me for this exam. I was also able to study with a co-worker who was also studying for REG and being able to teach him topics that I learned was really helpful as it made me feel more confident about the fact that I was actually learning the material.

    During exam day, I felt great about the exam after the first testlet. While I flagged about 8 MCQs out of the 76 MCQs, I didn't think any of them were completely out of left field. The SIMS were also very reasonable and I was able to use the authoritative literature for a couple of questions which really helped.

    Overall, I would say REG was “easy” only because I was able to grasp the subjects in a relatively short period of time and actually had an interest in learning the material that was covered.


    Hey @SpencerjamesCPA have to ask, did you go through the process of a score review for audit to get a higher grade for AUD? Sorry if its too personal.


    REG has been the most difficult exam for me. @BrickellCPA summed it up perfectly – a bunch of random rules and exceptions that usually do not make any sense. Then, add B-Law and you have your work cut out for you. I am just dumbfounded how anyone could think BEC is harder than REG (no offense).



    @BatmanInTraining: No worries, I don't think it's too personal at all. I've contacted a consultant of my firm and he suggested I let it go since I passed and no one really cares what score you get as long as you pass.

    While I agree with that, part of me is still miffed at my score. I've been in contact with NASBA and am looking into actually appealing my score and sitting with a rep from NASBA to find out what exactly it is I did wrong. It's VERY cost-prohibitive so I'm not sure if I'll see it through.


    @SpencerJames how did you prepare for the REG SIMs? I am having trouble finding anything useful other than a few practice SIMs here and there, but seemingly nothing like what's on the actual exam.


    Full-time school, so not as demanding as full-time work. Did have a minor part-time job though. Also was responsible for my three year old, running our huskies, chores – I was basically a stay at home dad while not at school. My wife worked full-time. I basically utilized any and all free time, didn't see family, friends, or netflix much but it all paid off lol


    @Brickell, to be honest, I didn't do much to prepare for the SIMS. I specifically did a couple of DRS and a couple of research questions as those types of SIMS because I thought that those types of SIMS vary the most as compared to the other sections.

    For REG, I think it comes down to understanding the taxation portion of your review materials as there's a 95% chance that all your SIMS will relate to taxation and not business law/ethics/professional responsibilities.

    So whether it's understanding how to calculate basis, or how depreciation expense on 1245 property and the associated gain is calculated. If I recall, all my SIMS were based on certain areas within taxation.

    Can anyone else here confirm that mostly taxation appears on the SIMS?

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