CPAPending checking in on REG - Page 2

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  • #171948

    I don’t know what to feel…..66 on REG. I knew I had blown the SIMS and I believe that one of my favorable SIMS must have been thrown out. Factoring in the curve (or whatever you want to cal it) I must have done TERRIBLY. I don’t know what to say, I just found out an hour ago and I am numb. I’m having flashbacks of being right where I was in 1995-96 when I passed audit and bec but stalled on FAR and REG and just quit—suddenly the 18 month window becomes relevant. Plenty of reasons but now is the question how to proceeed.

    I have FAR already shechedule on 8/31, which has been extended already due to my Mom’s passing. I’m going on vacation the last week of June. So I cannot extend FAR.

    Anyone have any practical advice as to what to do. My mind says that I should reschedule to the first week in July to retake REG and hit Wiley MCQ’s and maybe read through CPAExcel’s tax portions for some fresh tax notes.

    I’m as low as I have ever been right now.

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  • #352574

    @greenli2…..I wasn't able to open them but I have been crazy busy, today's my busiest day of the month. Yeay, what a day to be me! 😀 So I haven't had a whole lotta time to try.

    Thanks for the encouragement all….I'm sitting here trying not to throw something or cry…not sure which will come first. 😀 And I am a 6'3″ 295 man! 😀


    forget about FAR and jump right back into REG. give yourself plenty of time to study, i know you were limited last time.

    i let my FAR nts expire before cuz i didn't have enough time to learn all the material and pass. i'd rather loose the exam fee than the info that was still fresh in my head for REG. but money is not an issue for me, i'd be more than willing to pay 10 x the exam fees to pass and have my life back lol!




    I feel like a pig that has been swallowed by a python…..I don't want to go back but I don't really want to go forward either.

    I'm so discouraged right now that it's hard to make my fingers type words. So $#EFDS%%#^%#$^#$^$@$#!@#!#!@#!#!$#%$% see no words! 😀

    This was a big psychological kick to the gut because I just put my everything into this test and came up way short. This is also where I fell short last time and quit because of it.

    Very dishearterned.


    CPApending…maybe getting a drink might help? It's depressing, but think about couple years later from now while you are a CPA, you will laugh about it when you think back.


    I DON'T DRINK! 😀 Not yet anyhow! 😀

    I'm really having flashbacks to when I just couldn't get past these parts. Honest assessment, I was really and truly just exhausted. I studied honestly and to the best I could but may have just exhausted myself to the point of being ineffective. No shortage of problems either, not that it's an excuse.

    I'm just sickened right now but gettting a little better…I guess.


    how about a movie? That alien movie “Prometheus?” looks good…maybe you and your wife can see a movie tonight, just get yourself out of the house and enjoy the night…p.s. it's a good thing you don't drink, keep it that way. :-). I am going to get myself a glass of wine tonight, tomorrow night, and Monday night until scores release on Tuesday, and I might have to opt to Vodka after that…:-(…


    If I ever started, I'd be a raging alkie bum…runs in the family.

    I'm thinking that I might see that movie Strong House or Strong Room with Denzel Washington tonight. Rent me a little pay per view and just chillax. Studying tonight will be futile. I need a night and will start afresh tomorrow.

    I just don't know what do do about REG again and FAR. I have FAR already scheduled for 8/31 so my only option is to study hard for the next three or four weeks and take it on July 6th or the 13th. That will then leave me 8 or 7 weeks respectively for FAR. Just not sure what to do. I'm not sure if 3-4 more weeks will be enough to restudy everything or not….I'd like to go through CPAExcel's tax notes and do their SIMS and MCQ's.


    @CPApending, sorry about your score 🙁 REG is a BEAST! When does your NTS expire for FAR?

    AUD 81 (X4) Previous scores 59, 72, 72
    REG 80 (X3) Previous scores 59, 60
    FAR 75 (X2) Previous score 67
    BEC 79 (X2) Previous score 58


    8/31 expiration date….they gave me an extension from 8/2 or I would really be in a pickle.


    CPAPending, that sucks. Darnit!! Weren't we taught when you do all you're supposed to that this life thing is supposed to work out?! Ugh – reality bites.

    I do think the luck of the draw has something to do with it. You very well could take it tomorrow and pass.

    If a cheesy quote will help – “Nothing of great value in life comes easily. The gold that has the greatest value lies deepest in the earth, as do the diamonds.”

    I shudder at the amount of REG work ahead of me when this can happen to someone like you who is actually good at tax! Hope you can put this process out of mind for a few days and regroup…

    B - 8/30/12, 91
    A - 5/25/12, 87
    R - 7/28/12, 82
    F - 4/18/12, 84

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