CPAexcel/Ninja notes Law

  • Creator
  • #185533

    Anyone have any advice on studying for the law section of Reg using CPAexce? Law and ethics make up 326 pages of the 570 page Reg textbook, which is pretty ridiculous given the fact that the consensus on here seems to be that law is lightly tested. Do I really need to know all the nuances and exceptions that are discussed in the textbook? For example the discussion of negotiable instruments is 25 pages; like c’mon cpaexcel, this isn’t the bar exam. I bought the Ninja notes given my frustration with the textbook wordiness. Do you guys think that knowing the Ninja law notes for test day would suffice? Anyone who has used cpaexcel or ninja notes for reg, please chime in. Thanks.

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  • Author
  • #553719

    the irony of CPAExcel is their main selling point is their “bite-sized lessons” but when you look at the materials, they tend to be longer and more wordier than comparable review courses lol

    I'm also getting ready to take REG and from what I have been told is to not underestimate the Business Law portion. Now, if you have to know all the 83,239,834,293,983,983,982,439,234 details CPAExcel provides in their text is another story … hopefully someone else can chime in.

    BEC - ✔
    REG - ✔
    AUD - ✔
    FAR - 11/29/14

    CPAExcel, Ninja MCQs, and a sh*t ton of coffee


    the irony of CPAExcel is their main selling point is their “bite-sized lessons” but when you look at the materials, they tend to be longer and more wordier than comparable review courses lol

    I'm also getting ready to take REG and from what I have been told is to not underestimate the Business Law portion. Now, if you have to know all the 83,239,834,293,983,983,982,439,234 details CPAExcel provides in their text is another story … hopefully someone else can chime in.

    BEC - ✔
    REG - ✔
    AUD - ✔
    FAR - 11/29/14

    CPAExcel, Ninja MCQs, and a sh*t ton of coffee

    CPA soon

    Business law is not lightly tested by any means, just my two cents. You have to understand the concepts, multiple choice questions help alot with business law because you are given a scenario so you will need to analyze it and get familiar with multiple scenarios. Attachment and perfection are confusing at first but if you give them some time you will understand them.

    FAR - 71, 68, 74, (8/31/14) 78 ✔
    REG - 67, 71, 71, (10/18/14) 78 ✔
    BEC - (11/29/14) 86 ✔
    AUD - 73, (4/4/15) 86 ✔

    I can't believe this is over! 2 years and 3 months..

    CPA soon

    Business law is not lightly tested by any means, just my two cents. You have to understand the concepts, multiple choice questions help alot with business law because you are given a scenario so you will need to analyze it and get familiar with multiple scenarios. Attachment and perfection are confusing at first but if you give them some time you will understand them.

    FAR - 71, 68, 74, (8/31/14) 78 ✔
    REG - 67, 71, 71, (10/18/14) 78 ✔
    BEC - (11/29/14) 86 ✔
    AUD - 73, (4/4/15) 86 ✔

    I can't believe this is over! 2 years and 3 months..


    I didn't feel like I got really nitty-gritty questions when I took REG, but you may see just the opposite. CPAExcel is trying to prepare you for as much as possible. When I went through the materials for all the sections with CPAExcel, I find myself ignoring the texts unless I need clarification on a MCQ or Sim answer. It helps me not get bogged down in all the fine details, and makes things easier for me since I'm a really slow reader.

    BEC 7/12/13 - 84
    AUD 8/31/13 - 86
    REG 4/11/14 - 84
    FAR 5/30/14 - 88

    Licensed AZ CPA - 10/2014


    I didn't feel like I got really nitty-gritty questions when I took REG, but you may see just the opposite. CPAExcel is trying to prepare you for as much as possible. When I went through the materials for all the sections with CPAExcel, I find myself ignoring the texts unless I need clarification on a MCQ or Sim answer. It helps me not get bogged down in all the fine details, and makes things easier for me since I'm a really slow reader.

    BEC 7/12/13 - 84
    AUD 8/31/13 - 86
    REG 4/11/14 - 84
    FAR 5/30/14 - 88

    Licensed AZ CPA - 10/2014


    I'm in the EXACT same boat – using CPAExcel for REG exam coming up next week. It seemed like B. Law went on forever. In my past experience, I've used Ninja Audio, which helps immensely, but it's definitely a supplement. I've been able to use it as a way to solidify (in my brain) the topics I just studied in CPAExcel. I haven't tried Ninja Notes, though.

    AUD: 84 - Oct. 2013
    BEC: 83 - Feb. 2014
    REG: 91 - May, 2014
    FAR: 68, 96 - Oct. 2014...DONE

    CPAExcel, Ninja Audio (all sections)


    I'm in the EXACT same boat – using CPAExcel for REG exam coming up next week. It seemed like B. Law went on forever. In my past experience, I've used Ninja Audio, which helps immensely, but it's definitely a supplement. I've been able to use it as a way to solidify (in my brain) the topics I just studied in CPAExcel. I haven't tried Ninja Notes, though.

    AUD: 84 - Oct. 2013
    BEC: 83 - Feb. 2014
    REG: 91 - May, 2014
    FAR: 68, 96 - Oct. 2014...DONE

    CPAExcel, Ninja Audio (all sections)


    I took REG last April and passed with 83. Business Law, while not as heavily tested as Taxation, is a substantial part of the exam. I used CPA Excel and felt that the material took forever, but I think you need to be very comfortable with the material either by a lot MCQ, the book or videos. Good luck.

    Link: Current CPAexcel Discount Codes

    CPAexcel CPA Review


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