Constantly Scoring 60s during first attempt on New Questions.. Help!

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  • #823609

    So I have been plugging away into each subject thinking my first attempt will be okay when really I havent been passing with flying colors. Is it me or is everyone experiencing this? I want to see where I can make improvements as I see my impatience possibly ruining my interest in mastering the subject matters. Does anyone suggest studying the Ninja Book all the way through before even attempting any questions? Help!

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  • #823642

    I usually averaged in the 60s for FAR on the first attempt and 50s in BEC. It's normal. Keep plugging.

    4 for 4

    FAR 85
    AUD 94
    BEC 86
    REG 90


    Yep, I agree with SaveBandit. I scored anywhere from 50s-60s for FAR on the first go. I am currently reworking all my REG questions, which I originally scored right around 68% for each homework and I am now currently making mid 80s.

    B 10/29/16
    A 10/1/16
    R 9/2/16
    F 7/26/16


    Yup, what they said. New Questions usually whoop me. 60-70 is normal for me.


    I got my ass kicked when I first did financial management questions for BEC, averages around 50-55%. With Ninja MCQ's alot of the questions contain material that wasn't covered by Roger CPA. It is helpful though, because a lot of the questions on the CPA exam contain material you haven't been acquainted with. I think the only way to get prepared for the exam is take a beating when first attempting the questions, but then learning why you got them wrong. Then after doing them three or four times, things finally click. When I finished BEC for NINJA my trending score is 95% So don't feel discouraged if you are getting them wrong at first, as long as you keep working through them. Also Reallytired did you go to Bloomsburg that looks the business school you're standing in front of lol.

    AUD 5/27/16 74 &#%!! 7/13/2016 86!
    BEC 8/17/2016
    FAR 11/04/2015 73, 1/4/2016 75 (phew!)
    REG 2/26/2016 74. 4/2/2016 79


    I concur! The more mcqs you do, the more exposed to it you become and the better understanding you get. I was freaking out about accounting cycles and management assertions in AUD because it just wouldn't click for me. But the more questions I've done, the better understanding I got on the whole process. I can spot a correct answer in most questions pretty much immediately now.

    REG - 75!!!
    FAR - 66; 73 (FML!!!)
    AUD - 09/16
    BEC - TBD


    Thanks for the responses. Yeah I freakout at times because I want to get it right the first time but as @CPA_Chik said “The more mcqs you do, the more exposed to it you become and the better understanding you get.” So far so good here.

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