Changes to Reg??

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  • #191128

    Hi all! Do you think I can use Becker 2013 to prepare for Reg?? Is it too outdated?? The annual changes in dollar amounts and thresholds(exemptions, deductions, phaseouts….) are rarely, if ever, tested on the exams. Business law hasn’t changed much to best of my knowledge. Can I just use it along with the updates provided on Becker’s site? Thanks!

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  • #636863

    I used the 2013 Wiley book this past November and did fine; however, aside from the threshold limits in 2014 (pay attention to the AGI limitation for medical expenses; I can't remember if that changed in 2013 or 2014), there are some key business law changes, I think in the securities section. You might get some supplemental materials – Ninja notes maybe – and compare the differences there. Otherwise I would imagine that the majority of the book should be fine.


    Thanks taxgeek83! Yes, those changes such as the change to 10% AGI on medical exp( changed in 2013) are included in the Becker update avail on their site at

    I was not aware of any significant changes to Business Law though.

    The only problem with buying supplemental materials like Ninja Notes- how would I know which parts to review in the supplemental materials and not my Becker software? So in essence I'd have to go through BOTH?? Do you have any suggestions on this?


    You would likely end up going through both – and then defer to Ninja (your updated materials) when the two differ. Depending on how long you have until your REG exam, however, it should be easily doable. I used the 2014 Ninja flashcards with my 2013 book and it worked out okay. I have a pretty decent tax background, however, so I didn't need the more in depth materials. If you don't have that kind of background, I'd go for the notes over the flashcards.

    As far as the BLaw updates, the Securities ones are pretty key, by my understanding. I'm not aware of any others, but I may have missed something in my prep (which is usually the case).


    Thanks again! I do have a pretty decent tax background but more on the individual side. The partnership and corp I've been involved in was very basic. I'd like to take it beginning to mid Feb so say 5-6 weeks. In the past I viewed the Becker videos probably twice and worked MCQ's as much as I could. I just wonder how bad off I could be already if I just used Becker 2013 that I have and went over the updates they bring in the link above. It concerns me though that the B-law stuff you mention is not mentioned there at all. Maybe I can buy the Ninja Notes or flashcards(which do you think??) and try to find out what key areas to hone in on. Maybe Jeff or s/o else can help me with that. I still don't think there are such MAJOR changes such as with AUD that would make studying with Becker 2013 a waste…..


    What exactly is Ninja Notes anyway? I'm new here. Seems like a condensed and shortened review to supplement a primary review course. Is that right? And what's the difference between the notes and the flashcards?


    I don't think using your 2013 Becker book is a complete waste, but I would definitely recommend supplementing so you have the most recent info. Easy points if you have the right updates. You could probably get away with the flashcards, but if you don't have a decent partnership/corporation tax background I would go with the notes. They should break down a lot of the basis stuff/calculations that you will need to learn. You are correct – they are a condensed version of the materials in a standard review book – basically takes the material and breaks it down into the key points. I used them for FAR and they were great! Flashcards have some of the same material (for FAR anyway), but don't go nearly as into depth as the notes.

    Another option is the test bank – it's cheaper and has better explanations than Wiley for sure – and I've heard better than Becker and some others. And it's very inexpensive, which is a major plus. 🙂


    taxgeek83, I really really appreciate all your help!!

    Which test bank do you mean, the Wiley Online Test Bank?? I don't know anything about it. As you know Becker guys are narrow minded 🙂

    Well, seriously speaking, I did once look into the other programs. Yaeger was dead boring and WAYYYY to long, like going back to school! CPA Excel isn't bad but also a bit too long and quite boring. I also personally do not love the “bite size” lessons they pride themselves on. I'd rather lock myself in a room for 4 hours and watch a lecture, work mcq's….

    Wadda you think; 5-6 weeks is enough to do with Becker and Ninja Notes? I know business law quite well but need a refresher, same for individual tax. Corp, partnership- needs the most study. Thanks again.


    5-6 weeks should be plenty. I had Yaeger as well and all but dropped it after AUD, my first exam. Gary is great, but I couldn't handle Cindy and Phil for some reason. Personal preference I suppose.

    I was referring to the Ninja test bank – between that and Wiley, I'd go Ninja all the way. Better and far less expensive. Great explanations too. I do think that your book and the Notes should be more than enough, however, if you are solid on BLaw, save the updates, and have a good general grasp on the tax portion. If you are still feeling lost, you can always go back and add the test bank later.

    Let me know if you have any other questions – more than happy to help!! 🙂


    You think the MCQ's on the Becker program will be outdated and maybe I need the Ninja MCQ(test bank)?? I doubt it but what's your take? And….Thanks again!! 🙂


    I can't speak to Becker specifically, but I would imagine that the 2013 test bank would include some outdated information that the Ninja test bank would have up to date. Regardless, it's under $50 and well worth it in my opinion.


    Thanks taxgeek83

    I just posted the question again with slight change to the header. Just want to get some more feedback. Seems like people don't join the conversation when they see a long back and forth with s/o already.

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