Business Law- HELP!!!

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  • #195486

    Hi guys I am really really struggling with Business Law! Becker R6-8. I am using both Becker and Ninja 10 point combo. I average on the tax topics from 70-80%; and trend between 80-90%. On the business law topics (R6-R8) I average between 55%-60%; and trend in the 70%s. Honestly I expected this to be reversed since I preferred Peter Olinto to Tim Gearty! (Jeff you’re off course #1 🙂 ).

    Does anyone have any study techniques for business law? Currently I read the chapters in Becker; read the Ninja Book; and try MCQ in both Beckers software & Ninja, nothing seems to stick. Here’s to getting that elusive 75.

    FAR 5/6/2015- 84
    REG 8/3/2015 - 87
    AUD 10/25/2015- 69 1/20/2016 -75
    BEC 2/26/2016- 80

    Thank you God

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  • #682353

    Blaw is mostly conceptual. You major concerns should be more on the Tax and Property Transaction topics as those will be the bulk of the questions will come from. Especially if you are doing well on the exam, you will definitely see a lot of tax and property transaction questions. Getting a Blaw sim is very rare too. If you do it will probably be on 1933 and 1934 Securities Act.


    You are reading all the questions's answers, including why 3 are wrong? Make sure you see it from all angles and take it slow. Don't focus on eliminating questions but put yourself through each until you truly understand the concept. I'd read the high lighted stuff in the Becker books too for a good overall review. Nothing you can really do except for making yourself think through each question.

    FAR - 78
    AUD - 82
    REG - 79
    BEC - 78

    Study Materials: Becker Self Study, NINJA Notes, NINJA MCQ for review
    Started March 2015 and finished December 2015 all on first attempt. Licensed CPA Jan 2016.

    IT Auditor/CyberSec Consultant in Public Accounting
    Future goals: Learn IT Network infrastructure, obtain CISA & CISSP

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