Budgeted time for REG sims

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  • #201902

    I’m taking REG in a few days and wondering how much time I should try to budget for the SIMS. How long do they take most people? When I’m working at home, I seem to move through questions quickly, but during the exam self doubt and test anxiety take over and I am very pressed for time (except audit). For far I made sure to have at least an hour and 15 mins for the sims so in my 3rd testlet I had to randomly guess on some wordy problems that I knew would take too long to read. I ended up only having me an hour an 10 mins for the sims though, which I guess was okay.

    I just want to know a minimum time to save for sims to figure out at which point I need to start guessing in my 3rd testlet, worst case scenario.

    AUD: 98
    REG: 91
    BEC: 86
    FAR: 83

    DONE DONE DONE and DONE all on the first try! It IS possible, just keep on studying!

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  • Author
  • #775876

    Every test is different and budgeting your time will help you succeed in Reg. Write down your time allotment when you get in. I assigned 30min to T1, 35min each for T2 and T3, so you can have about 80 minutes going to the sims(I dread about Reg sims more than any other). This is just an estimate. When the going gets tough you have to adjust accordingly. I ended up starting the Sim with 70 minutes. My score was not stellar but the Sim pushed me through. All the best!


    It just depends on the person. I always told myself I would leave an 1.5 for SIMs no matter what test. I stuck to that and am glad I did because I know SIMs are my weakness. I used the full 1.5 hours for every test. Sometimes I had more time than that but never less. The trick with getting that much time is to stay calm and collective during the MCQs and just assess each question on its own. So when I came across one that I did not know right away or could not read in a decent amount of time I immediately passed it and flagged it for later. I then went back stayed calm read the question and tried my hardest to answer it. I then would think to myself if I go on to the others is there any chance I will know the answer when i go back to this question? Will something click in the meantime or do I just not know it. Most of the time I told myself I just won't know it and so answered it as best I could and moved on. Sometimes you just need to know when to take a hit and move on. That is how you manage your time. You cannot sit and stare at a question hoping that itll just come to you. You either know it or you dont! Good luck, hope this helps!

    AUD - 69, 77
    REG - 74, 81
    FAR - 75!
    BEC - 71, 82

    IL candidate!

    Finally done (5/24/16)!! Yahooooooo!

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