Best thing for last minute REG review???

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  • #1449107

    So I re-take REG in two days, it’s my last exam, and my becker expires right after this so you could say failure is NOT AN OPTION FOLKS!

    My current plan is to do another practice test tomorrow and then read through notes and go over weak areas. Is that enough? Should I try and do more ninja MCQs (which Ive been using for review). Is it worth it to get the ninja audio and listen to that for last minute review before monday?

    If theres anything that will help ensure success I’ll do it!!!

    AUD - Passed 11/2015
    BEC - Passed 2/2016
    FAR - Passed 5/2015
    REG - October 2016 LAST ONE!!!

    Using Becker & Ninja MCQ for review

    This test will not defeat me!

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  • Author
  • #1449114

    What CPA materials are you using?


    I think you could spend your time more wisely rather than a practice test. I've never taken a practice test and I never will. Spend those 3 or so hours banging away at your weak areas.

    Let me ask you this, will you be able to complete an AMT sim?

    I would also not buy any new products, NO WAY. Stick with what you have and just reinforce everything.

    Trust yourself, breath, relax, you got this.


    For my last 3 days

    Day 1: Few MCQ and 57 simulation review on Ninja MCQ
    Day 2: Little over 300 MCQ (3 X 100 and few) and couple sims
    Day 3 (test day): I wrote note (1 page, about basis and calculation) and reviewed. I do not think I solved any questions or sims. I gave my brain a little break, because last reg exam i knew but my brain was not functioning due to fatigue.

    Make sure to do many MCQ as last minute review, then make note and most importantly do not study on test day except for note review and maybe some reading.

    Materials: Wiley book + Ninja MCQ

    FAR - 83 (Jan 2016)
    Study time: 6 weeks
    BEC - 87 (April 2016)
    Study time: 2 weeks
    AUD - 92 (July 2016), (74 Feb 2016), (72 May 2016)
    Study time: 4 (Feb) + 2 (May) + 3 (July) = 9 weeks total
    REG - (70 April 2016)
    Study time: 3 weeks


    Thanks for the advice guys! Yeah you're right, I think I should review more and just plow through a ton of MCQs and sims i think and then look over notes tomorrow. I'm just trying to stay calm!!

    AUD - Passed 11/2015
    BEC - Passed 2/2016
    FAR - Passed 5/2015
    REG - October 2016 LAST ONE!!!

    Using Becker & Ninja MCQ for review

    This test will not defeat me!

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