Best Advice for Reg

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    I just started studying for Reg and my exam is scheduled August 13th. I have taken 3 parts so far. I got a 72 in BEC, a 71 in Audit, and awaiting my FAR score, which I am not very hopeful about. I enjoy tax and really need to pass this section and plan on grinding down and making the most of my study time which I did not do with the other sections. Does anyone have any suggestions for me that would help make passing easier in less than a month? Special tips? I am using Becker.

    AUD-71, Retake 8/28/14, 85!

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  • #581600

    How much time a day do you have to study? 3 1/2 weeks seems like a short amount of time unless you aren't working and have all day to study.


    I'm only working 2 days a week, and I have some time to study and watch lectures at work. I'm already done with R1.

    AUD-71, Retake 8/28/14, 85!


    I am currently attempting it in five weeks and work full-time. (I am two weeks in, with three weeks to go.) It is definitely doable for you, particularly if you enjoy tax. That enjoyment should enable you to maintain focus in long study sessions without “glazing over” like many who have an aversion to tax might.

    One thing that is helping me is the Ninja Audio. I used it for AUD and FAR, but I'm finding the REG audio the most helpful. For one, it is easily Jeff's most spirited performance of the three. And the audio format provides great reinforcement of info nuggets…..which is I am finding REG is all about….reinforcement.


    I would really like the Ninja Audio, I'm just sort of low on money right now. I have a 30 minute drive just about anywhere I go, so I definitely think it would be beneficial to me. Good luck with your 5 week studying!

    AUD-71, Retake 8/28/14, 85!


    I'm on a REG retake path right now and I am really liking It's helping me dig up all the old info I shoved in my brain on the first failed attempt and finally making sense of WHY something is the right vs. wrong answer.

    I'm also using the NINJA MCQ which are a little harder for me, but as they are actual AICPA-released questions, they're a good counter to cpareviewforfree.

    B 85 Aug 2015
    A 81 Jan 2015
    R 78 May 2015
    F 76 Jul 2015


    Took REG a couple weeks ago, If i could go back i would do more MCQ.

    AUD 2/25/14 - 82
    BEC 4/14/14 - 82
    REG 7/5/14 - 66, 80 (11/30/14)
    FAR 10/13/14 - 76


    I may try out that cpareviewforfree. Thanks for the advice! On my other exams I've felt crunched for time and would not do the optional practice questions or progress tests. Definitely going to make myself do them this go around. Were the sims very different than what you seen in your review?

    AUD-71, Retake 8/28/14, 85!


    I just have to put in an additional plug for Ninja Audio. It doesn't cost that much in the grand scheme of things. A retake costs a lot more.

    Here is a recent example of its effectiveness. I don't know when I'm taking BEC, but I've been listening to Ninja Audio since 7/9. I've only read 1 chapter of 8 total in the book so far, and I haven't worked any of its MCQs. I don't really work in the right field for BEC, and it's been a few years since I took any of the applicable classes in school. Just for fun, I took a 10 question BEC quiz in WTB right now and got 9 right. So that's 90% almost entirely due to Ninja Audio.

    (Coupon code HiYa used to give 15% off on anything. Maybe it still does.)

    AUD 84 (1/9/14-Wiley books/TB + free materials)
    FAR 83 (5/21/14-the above + NINJA 10 Pt Combo Lite)
    REG 84 (7/9/14-Wiley books/TB + NINJA Audio/FC/Notes)
    BEC 76 (10/5/14-Wiley books/TB + NINJA Audio/FC)

    Disclaimer: My ninja avatar is not meant to imply that I have any affiliation with this site other than being a forum member. That's a pic of a T-shirt that my daughter gave me for my birthday. 🙂


    Do multiple choice questions like it's your religion.

    You may like tax, but do you like the Uniform Commercial Code and Common Law? That ishhh made me want to puke.

    I actually did not get through about 100 pages of the material because I was so short on time (was during tax season and work was hectic). However, the week prior, did about 500 multiple choice questions a day and ended up passing.

    Good luck

    BEC - ✔
    REG - ✔
    AUD - ✔
    FAR - 11/29/14

    CPAExcel, Ninja MCQs, and a sh*t ton of coffee

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