REG-74, ??
Question? When I took REG last month, I end exhausted, I felt I was going to get a 60 on my score, wow and I get a 74… that's surprise me!!…..
I study again, and the same thing happen again, simmulations with materials a little confusing. I remember there are like 10 tabs, 5 in each sim.., I do excellent on the research, very good on the two memos, very good in only!! one tab, F in three tabs, and less than good in 2 tabs. I start crying, because I have two childrens, a husband, a business…. and I need to end this!!!, or I will end divorce!!!…. In summary I felt very frustrated because from 10 tabs, I worked good only on 5., and on the other 5……
The thing is , do you know how the AICPA gave the 30 points from the simulations?, I know that 10 points are from the memos ( and I know that I do a good job on the memos), that's means that 8 tabs have a value of 20 points?, 2.5 points per tab?