8 days to REG exam… question!

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  • #1558506
    The PA CPA

    Hey all. I have 8 days until my next exam, REG. I am thinking about purchasing the Ninja MCQ and going through all of them if I can. I feel like I’m getting tired of the Becker questions and/or memorizing. Can anyone provide me with their experience? Would I see a return in my exam score by getting the program. I passed BEC with Becker only and I find out about AUD in August but felt like a pass. Any help would be appreciated!

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  • #1558524

    For my 3rd attempt at REG I did something similar, short timeline and freaking out that I memorized Becker questions–bought Ninja mcq's with less then 2 weeks to go and tried to fly through them. My experience–I wouldn't do it again, its just way too much material to try and knock out.

    If you can narrow your weaknesses down to a couple topics and just want to see additional questions then it may be beneficial to get it..I'm not trying to completely shoot down the idea of purchasing Ninja this late in the game. My experience was a bit different. I felt comfortable with the material but wanted to cover everything…which was a bad idea!

    FAR - 78
    REG - 72,74,71...please just go away REG nobody likes you!
    BEC - 82
    AUD - Aug 16

    The PA CPA

    Thank you for the answer. Hmm…makes sense to me. Were you FT studying? That's what I am doing at the moment so I'd be working through them throughout the day and could probably cover some ground. Is it like a test bank of questions?


    It is 100% a test bank. You can select questions from topics that are your weaker subjects.


    I've apparently been away from studying for too long, what is FT studying lol?

    FAR - 78
    REG - 72,74,71...please just go away REG nobody likes you!
    BEC - 82
    AUD - Aug 16

    The PA CPA

    Full time! my bad for not clarifying


    Like the above poster said its just a test bank so you can easily pick sections to work on. I wasn't full time studying. I was about 18-22 hrs/week so you would cover a lot more ground then I was. My goal was to cover around 100 a day, many days during the work week I would fall short of that. On the weekends I was trying to get around 200/day.I believe I either barely got out of the assessment stage or just fell short.

    FAR - 78
    REG - 72,74,71...please just go away REG nobody likes you!
    BEC - 82
    AUD - Aug 16


    Waiting on scores for my 2nd re-take with Ninja. They are definitely a good change up from Becker. I say that for the ability to drill down into subtopics of the main section. Becker's software doesn't have that capability. Plus Ninja is relatively affordable at $47 so I think it might be worth it if they save you from having to pay the testing fee for retake. In my first two attempts with Becker I got a 60 and 66. I was scoring in the 70s-80s on progress tests. I feel like I got seriously smoked on the sims though. Since they are 50% of the score, Id say spend time familiarizing yourself with AL you will need it.

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