70% on REG… HELP!

  • Creator
  • #170616

    I passed FAR and AUD on the first attempt with a 78% and 83% respectively.

    I studied for REG the same way that I studied for the other sections. I watched all the lectures (Roger), took notes, did every Wiley book question twice, and did every question in the Wiley Online Test Bank more than once. Because of busy season, I studied for 4 months (averaging about 15-20 hrs per week).

    My score report:

    Ethics & Legal Responsibilities: Stronger

    Business Law: Weaker

    Federal Tax Process: Weaker

    Taxation on Property Transactions: Stronger

    Taxation on Individuals: Weaker

    Taxation on Entities: Comparable

    Multiple Choice: Weaker

    Simulations: Weaker

    What should I do? Your advice is much appreciated!

    FAR - 78 (10/3/11)
    AUD - 83 (11/28/11)
    REG - 70 (4/7/12), 84 (7/31/12)
    BEC - 75! (5/31/12)
    Ethics - 98


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  • Author
  • #343816

    I feel like I have the Wiley Online Test Bank memorized. Should I buy the Gleim Test Bank and do a ton of MCQs? What about SIMs? I feel pretty lost. I thought my prep was more than sufficient, but clearly it wasn't. How should I study for the retake?

    FAR - 78 (10/3/11)
    AUD - 83 (11/28/11)
    REG - 70 (4/7/12), 84 (7/31/12)
    BEC - 75! (5/31/12)
    Ethics - 98



    definitely get another test bank if you memorized wiley. gleim questions are pretty hard compared to wiley imo, esp the adapted ones. the sims in the gleim book are pretty good




    When I look back on reg, I remember a lot of terms and a lot of questions. Both areas I remember Roger preparing me very well for. I want to say my high score was due to watching Roger's lecturers over and over again.

    70 is very close! I would re-watch (over and over again) as well as re-read the chapters and cover MC areas where you know you are weak at.

    I took reg when there was still waiting involved so I know that helped me boost my sim score. You don't have that anymore so your sims may be harder.

    Based off my experience, doing sim hw is never even close to what the exams test you on. With that said, I feel like if you know your material well enough, sims should be doable.

    Good luck! You'll get 75 next time! keep working hard!


    I got a 62 on the test and studied 4 hours every day…and learn incredibly slow….My suggestion to you is to study harder…since that was what someone suggested to me.



    @posty where do you get the score reports from? I only received a score? Is it on the nasba website?

    Form is temporary, class is permanent.

    Audit 4/19/12 - 77
    BEC 5/31/12 - 75
    FAR 8/30/12


    Thanks for the advice, everyone. I really appreciate it.

    @KassiusKlay – My state board of accountancy sent out a score report with my official score. If you didn't get one, call your state board of accountancy and request one. My state is a non-NASBA state.

    FAR - 78 (10/3/11)
    AUD - 83 (11/28/11)
    REG - 70 (4/7/12), 84 (7/31/12)
    BEC - 75! (5/31/12)
    Ethics - 98



    It could be that you prepared really well for it. But someone one said these test are better serve short term-memory. Now that you aren't in busy season. Maybe the concentrated hours before the test will help you out(instead of 20 hours a week, you can dish out 40+ hours etc so you aren't forgetting things). But of course in addition to everyone's suggestion above(concentrate on weak areas, massacre mcq, get new test bank etc.)


    @Home Stretch – That definitely makes sense. I plan on studying a month to a month and a half for the retake. I'm going to buy a new test bank and hit it hard. Thanks for the advice, everyone!

    FAR - 78 (10/3/11)
    AUD - 83 (11/28/11)
    REG - 70 (4/7/12), 84 (7/31/12)
    BEC - 75! (5/31/12)
    Ethics - 98



    Mentally I would look at it as if you've never taken that part before. In other words don't skimp on the parts you did Stronger on and Focus on the Parts you did weaker on. Practically, I would try Yaeger or Becker to vary your prep exposure.

    Aud 73, 79
    Reg 70, 60, 67, 76
    Far 70, 66, 72, 87
    Bec 77

    mena je twa


    You will never go above a 75, if you do not improve your simulations score from weaker to comparable or stronger.

    Look at my signature, i received 2 74's in regulation, one time i was stronger in all categories, but weaker in simulations. they parked me at 74.

    Improve your simulations study effort, it is 40% of your score. Even if you get weaker in 2 or 3 sections in MCQ's followed with some comparable and stronger, you will be just fine.

    Licensed CPA, Texas - 2012


    i agree w/ mena je twa on sims, last couple of times i took REG i got stronger on mcq and weaker on sims. this time round i practiced sims but not sure if it helped me cuz i still choked on test day…fml!




    mena je twa is right. You need to be at least comparable on BOTH multiple choice and sims or else they'll keep you at 74. The best way to practice Sims is to do a lot of tax return problems. I recommend buying the Wiley book and software. Do ALL the practice Sims.

    See Pee A

    First piece of advice, if in any way possible, would be to condense your study time frame. Four months is just way too long and even if you're putting in 350 hours, you would likely be better off putting in proportionately less time in a shorter window (maybe 125 in a month?). When you go beyond two months, so much of what you do is just to keep things in memory rather than truly enhancing your understanding or knowledge of the topics. Now that Q1 is over, take two weeks off some time. Take 2-3 days to just relax and then hit the books.. hard! In 10 days you should be able to get through half your REG course since this won't be your first time and you can skim the materials (and re-read sections that are important/you struggle with and want to focus more) and then hammer out MCs all day long. Sometimes, the long days make you feel like you aren't productive, but as long as you are sure to get a solid 8 hours of sleep and take some time each day to relax and unwind, you will make huge progress in just 8 hours of actual studying.

    Once you make some serious progress in a week of being away from work, you will have much less to get through once you head back to the office. Time is your enemy, so err on the side of a shorter study period rather than longer. Invest in some good quality coffee/tea and low-sugar energy drinks to keep your mind alert but not to make you jittery and also make an effort to eat well and even exercise lightly (not too much since being sore and sitting a lot isn't a good feeling). Passing this exam can happen in cram mode, but why kill yourself? You will be surprised at how much you can get through when your entire day is efficient and productive.

    BEC 86 (08/30/11)
    FAR 84 (10/13/11)
    REG 88 (11/08/11)
    AUD 86 (11/29/11)

    Exam prep - Becker self-study


    @ CPAMan – I did do all the tax sims in the Wiley book twice before exam day. I got one that was such an obscure topic. It wasn't even in the Wiley book! And I must have choked on a couple others. I will practice all of these again as well as do all the sims in the Gleim book as well (and the Wiley Online Test Bank!). I'll be a sim master before exam day.

    @ See Pee A – Thank you very much for the thoughtful answer. I am definitely focusing on shortening my study window. 4 months is too long. I only intended to study for it 2 months, but holidays and busy season got in the way, and I kept pushing it out. This, I've learned, is NOT an effective way to do it.

    FAR - 78 (10/3/11)
    AUD - 83 (11/28/11)
    REG - 70 (4/7/12), 84 (7/31/12)
    BEC - 75! (5/31/12)
    Ethics - 98


    mena je twa

    Posty –

    One more thing if i must add…..You dont have to be a master of simulations. You need to master the MCQ's and the material, since that will determine how well you do on the simulations. Simulations are a blown up / steroids version of MCQ's. Understand the tax forms, understand the logic, understand how things flow thru and then you will master the simulations.

    Just doing hundreds of simulations will not help you, cause you will not see any of the simulations on the cpa exam that you practiced.

    Licensed CPA, Texas - 2012

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