40 on Mock Reg Exam

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  • #1617324

    I have studied so hard for this freaken beast for the last 45 days, and I tried to do first reg mock exam today and ended up with a 40 (so embarrassing). This really brought me down. My exam is next Thursday. and here I am with the 40. Sims are like my weakness. I just do not know what happened. I will try to study again for the rest of the week and retake the test on Sunday (Labor weekend is just going to be canceled for me). I just really hope to get to 50 – 60 range on the second mock exam on Becker. Does anyone have the same problem with me and still pass?

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  • #1617327
    shawn in VA

    I suggest you move your exam to a future date. REG is a beast and I work in Tax. OR with basically 10 days to study put in 8 hours days if your schedule allows you to do so.


    actually this will be my second review to be exact. I work full time in assurance unfortunately. I was thinking that if I cant get like 50 or 60 range on the second mock exam, I should just move it to October. At least you dont have to worry about REG anymore lol


    I bet that if I were to do a mock exam, my score would be less than yours. However, that's not going to stop me from taking a shot at this thing on the 10th.

    At this point, I've told myself that there's much more to gain by taking a shot and taking the exam, versus waiting until the 22nd of December to find out my score. Who knows, maybe the cramming we're doing now may pay off and we get lucky come exam day.

    Unless the risk isn't worth it to you, I would go for it on the 10th of September. With the way these exams are graded, you never know.


    Never know what to expect and dont waste a window! I work in tax too and took the exam while working scored in the 60's on becker mock came out to an 86 on the real thing. I would just take advantage of the window and if you fail reschedule immediately and shoot for october/november. the material is still fresh too so it won't be too bad to review again. I personally wouldn't waste a chance.

    shawn in VA

    Yeah I agree with most everyone here. Don't waste a window as long as you can put the hours in b/w now and the 7th. If possible maybe move it to the 10th ? 3 days extra is potentially 30 extra hours of study time (10 hours per day study, 8 hours sleep, 6 hours other BS). Even if you fail at least you can take in early/mid OCT while its still fresh. If you pass you only had to wait 15 days ish for results which is not bad at all.

    I am doing the same with my AUD retake . Taking it on the 10th but will only get in about 17 days total of study time in.


    hey guys, thank you so much for your motivation.You guys are right. I dont really want to waste a window at all. My plan is to finish everything by December so I can get out of this miserable as soon as possible. After reading what you guys write, it gives me so much strength to keep go on with the test on Sep 7.
    I am not lucky when it comes to exams, but I will take my chance.


    I got a 47 and 57 on my Mock Exams for BEC and ended up with an 86. There were a couple issues with the first exam though, and I wasn't given credit for certain ones I believe should have been marked as correct.

    Anyway, after those pretty low scores, I read my entire book from front to back and made my own notes (30 pages) throughout the last 4 days. I didn't move to the next section until I actually understood the concept I was currently on. The only MCQ I did those last couple days were the 15-20 at the end of each chapter to make sure I knew what was going on.
    For me, actually reading the book did wonders for me, but I know many people think it's a waste of time and focus on the MCQs until test day.

    The Labor Day weekend might be to your advantage as well (assuming you have Monday off) – it's an easy way to get 24-30 hours in 3 days!

    Good luck!


    @rb2017: thanks for the tip. I will use your method for the review. I actually used that method with AUD, but with reg, I have the moments where I am just like “no, I dont want to learn this, it is too complicated!”

    You guys are so supportive. And, whoever still take the exams, I wish you the best.


    You know its funny- I've never done a mock exam for this specific reason. I always just focus on learning the material, assessing what I did- why did I get that MCQ right? Why did I get it wrong?

    I feel as though mock exams will mess up my concentration and motivation in the instance where I score poorly. I think you shouldn't worry about your 40 honestly… Just focus on continuing to learn the material and keep your eyes on the prize. Focus on your weak areas and keep going forward without looking back!


    The Becker “Final” exams are notorious for being extremely difficult. Don't let it kill your confidence. For FAR I didn't even bother taking them (well I did once, and realized my time would have been better spent reviewing my notes). How about this: think about what you DO know. At the end of the day, every exam is different. You may get tested on topics you know very well. It's a crap-shoot. Don't count yourself out.



    I 100% agree on going back and reviewing when you're struggling on MCQ. Unfortunately I think a lot of people get stuck in MCQ mode and don't do it.


    I only took one mock exam during my entire studying process. I always felt that drilling multiple choice in Study Mode (using CPAExcel and Ninja) and getting an explanation on a wrong answer, immediately, helped me a lot more in learning the material than taking a mock exam and then having to wait until the end of the mock exam to see if I got questions right or wrong.

    AUD 08/31/2015 -
    FAR -
    REG -
    BEC -



    Agreed. Never understood why people waste time with mock exams


    So after 4 days of reviewing for the second time, I did another mock exams and got a 62. Thats like between 72 – 78 on the real exam. I dont know if this score is a good or bad sign (for AUD I got 63 on Mock exam 1 and 68 on mock exam 2). To me,I just keep doing MCQs on Becker and Ninja. and then do a mock exam to see where I am at. Pretty nervous about this! Really hope I dont have to retake this exam again


    @Tud51397 – great progress! Any reason why you're dividing time with Ninja and Becker? Ninja will give you a good gauge of progress over time and each session is really its own mock exam. I like to do 30 question sessions to make it intense but not overwhelming. If one does both N and B – then they may be effectively serving two masters and I would think that would diminish effectiveness but everyone's different – you do you 🙂

    Since you mention that sims are your weakness – just add a few Ninja sims in between MCQ sessions. How many sims have you done thus far? I don't think the score per se is important in practicing sims – the more important part is to build up that tolerance and expectation around the types of questions you'll get and being able to manage time.

    Best wishes in the exam.

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