REG Study Group – Q1 2018 - Page 22

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  • #1676693

    Welcome to the Q1 2018 CPA Exam Study Group for REG. 🙂

    Introduce yourselves and let your fellow NINJAs know when you plan to take your exam.

    The Five Steps (NINJA Framework):

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  • Author
  • #1696141

    Lentilcounter, how did you feel you did on the exam? I took my test on January 15, 2018 and felt some fatigue from taking so many tests and wasn't as motivated as I was for my other three tests.

    Also, I know that you took Gleim to prepare for the test. What was your score on the MCQ portion of the mock exam and how confident are you that you passed the exam? I just want to get a sense of where I stand.

    I think I finished the first testlet within 25 minutes. My second testlet got significantly harder. I probably marked 6-8 questions.

    One of my sims were really strange in that it provided no instructions on how to arrive at a certain item and it also wasn't covered in my materials. There were some rounding issues as well because the answers only accepted whole numbers but my calculations yielded decimal points. I am hoping this one was a pretest.

    The research sim I know I got correct. I probably got 20-30% wrong on the rest of the remaining sims due to missing some small detail here and there. But it's also possible that I got entire sims wrong because I didn't understand what they were asking me to begin with.

    Ultimately when I finished the test, I had 1 hour left on the clock but just felt so fatigued that I left without going back to double-triple check everything.


    @public sector unions

    Sorry but I didn't take the mock exam for Gleim. As for my exam experience, please scroll up. I think I passed and I'm praying that I did in faith.

    Given your high scores on other sections, I'm willing to bet you passed also. It sounds like aside from the pretest and 6-8 that you marked, Gleim prepared you well. That is how I felt also.

    BEC = 72 (6/08/16)
    FAR = ?
    REG = ?
    AUD = ?


    @public sector unions

    Your exam experience is almost exactly like mine. Here's to hoping we both passed!


    I have my REG exam scheduled for March 9th. I'm adding a post to receive email notifications. Good luck everyone!


    I'm really struggling with the Blaw questions on Ninja. Particularly the 1933 and 1934 acts and the appropriate defenses available for the CPA. Anyone know a good resource to get these straightened out?


    IN sim 46, it is mentioned that there was a net operating loss before 179 deduction and depreciation.So we cannot take 179 deduction. Why in the solution have they reduced 179 deduction of 25000 to calculate basis for combine?

    Secondly when old truck is sold in year 2, why the rate of 25.5% is multiplied by 50% ?

    Richard Norton recently purchased a farm. The farm is being operated as a sole proprietorship. Farm operations began on January 1, Year 1, and became profitable in Year 2. Richard uses the cash basis of accounting for book and tax purposes.

    During Year 2, Richard employed as many as 20 part-time workers, including Richard’s spouse, Lucy, and children, Edward and Darla, ages 19 and 14, respectively. Lucy was unemployed during Year 1, and Richard had no other earned income for Year 1, except from the farm. Richard and Lucy filed a joint income tax return for Year 2 and Year 1.

    Richard is not yet providing the farm employees with life insurance, medical and dental coverage, or retirement benefits. Richard is paying the life and medical insurance premiums for the family from personal funds.

    Richard Norton had a net loss before MACRS depreciation and Section 179 deduction on the farm operations for Year 1.

    Calculate the depreciation on Richard’s farm assets for Year 1 using the information in Table 1 and the 150% MACRS tables found below. Note that any property used in a farming business cannot be depreciated using the 200% declining balance method under MACRS for tax purposes.

    Dr. Richard Kimble

    Regulation: Entity/Owner Transaction including contributions and distributions: Question –

    “What determines whether the FMV or adjusted basis is the shareholder’s basis in a stock/or property?” I believe this is determined by the shareholder’s ownership percentage in the entity and whether they have control or not.

    However, I have gotten a little confused how to determine a shareholder’s basis based on these question numbers down below:

    Q 1106

    Q 1121

    Q 1614



    May i ask if anyone could explain to me for the below question in Becker?

    Jones form a C corp by distribute a building with FMV OF 120000 and Adjusted basis of 100,000 on xx/xxx/00. He also receives a cash distribution of 10,000. What is the gain realized for Jones.

    Why the answer is $20,000 only?

    For my understanding, the total amount realized for this transaction is 120000+10000 – 100000 = 30000

    Thank you.


    Reema – you take a half year of depreciation in the year of sale.


    I just got back from taking REG and I feel discouraged. I don't think I studied enough. 🙁 On to my next part.


    Terence, I don't understand the question. Please copy and paste the question in.


    Thanks Jen J


    Does anyone have the 2017 REG AICPA released questions? I was able to get the 2017 questions for FAR through Rogers but I cannot find the REG questions anywhere (I do not have Rogers purchased)


    Took REG yesterday! Now the hard part … waiting… ahhh
    What is up with the new exam score release hold? now we have to wait until the end of the quarter for the results… that is torture


    @ Taylor

    How was your exam? What is your suggestion on time management. How was your experience with Sims?

    Thanks in adavance

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