REG Study Group – Q1 2018 - Page 18

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  • #1676693

    Welcome to the Q1 2018 CPA Exam Study Group for REG. 🙂

    Introduce yourselves and let your fellow NINJAs know when you plan to take your exam.

    The Five Steps (NINJA Framework):

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  • #1693246

    So I finished off the MCQs yesterday.
    1071/1341 ~ 79.865%
    Over the next 3 days I will review notes on wrong questions, and review textbook.
    Debating either doing quizzes on incorrect questions, trying some SIMs, or possibly going over to the Gleim TB in study mode to hammer some new MCQs.
    If my prior 2 exams are any indication I have nothing to worry about based on my MCQ performance, but at the same rate I'm certainly not going to take it easy these last few days.

    If anyone has more questions please feel free to share them.
    It helps everyone learn.


    @Katie and Recked

    Thanks for clearing up those questions.

    I'll use the amount of shares repurchased times the (original basis per a share – original selling price per a share) to figure the amount of disallowed loss. I guess it makes sense that the repurchased stock's basis would be equal to repurchase price per share times number of shares purchased + amount of disallowed loss.

    For the LKE problem that isn't a LIKE problem, that makes sense now.

    BEC = 72 (6/08/16)
    FAR = ?
    REG = ?
    AUD = ?


    2017 AICPA REG Practice SIM on Depreciation

    There are no answer keys, so can someone who did this sim confirm the answers below with me?

    1. office furniture year 1 depreciation expense = $1,429
    2. pickup truck year 1 depreciation expense = $3,000
    3. computers and printers year 1 depreciation expense = $1,000


    BEC = 72 (6/08/16)
    FAR = ?
    REG = ?
    AUD = ?


    @Lentil, from memory, I think that is correct. But the 2017 practice exam should let you go back at the end to see the answers.


    Can someone help clarify what happens when:

    C Corp's nonliquidating divs FMV > stock basis
    S Corp's nonliquidating divs FMV > shareholder basis
    Partnership's nonliquidating divs adj basis > partnership basis

    Are there gains in any of these situations or just recognition to extent of basis?




    Div to extent of Current E&P = taxable
    Div to extent of Accumulated E&P = taxable
    Excess of E&P Return of capital = Tax free (reduces basis of stock)
    Excess of basis of common stock= Capital gain


    If company has C-corp E&P = taxable div.
    AAA balance= no tax and reduces basis
    Div in simplest form =Distributions to extent of basis is return of capital. Excess is capital gain.


    If cash distribution exceeds basis it is a taxable gain. If cash and fixed asset received basis reduced by cash, remaining basis becomes the basis of the fixed asset.

    hope this helps. I should get some sleep. good luck.



    just need to confirm!

    Q)John owns all of the stock of an S corporation, for which he has a basis of $20. The AAA at the beginning is $120. This year, the corporation suffered an ordinary loss of $100 and distributed cash to John of $100.

    in this question what will be the amount of AAA after distribution


    C-Corp recognizes capital gain, as if asset was sold at FMV, for the excess over tax basis

    same for S-Corp, except the gain is then passed through proportionally to owners

    partnership: gains only if cash distributed is more than the partner's basis; no g/l on property distributions



    Q)John owns all of the stock of an S corporation, for which he has a basis of $20. The AAA at the beginning is $120. This year, the corporation suffered an ordinary loss of $100 and distributed cash to John of $100.

    in this question what will be the amount of AAA after distribution

    Beginning AAA = $120 – $100 ordinary loss – $20 of the $100 distribution = $0

    It is my understanding that AAA cannot be reduced below zero by distributions but it can be for losses.

    , good luck today! You are going to do great. Please let us know how it goes!

    BEC = 72 (6/08/16)
    FAR = ?
    REG = ?
    AUD = ?


    The M2 has the following order for AAA.
    Ordinary Income
    Other additions
    other reductions
    then distributions at the end.

    The 100 would first come from AAA, then from AEP if any existed.
    Further distributions would be nontaxable to the extent of remaining stock basis
    distributions in excess of stock basis are treated as a gain from the sale of stock.

    I believe the M2 order is the proper order to follow in this situation.
    AAA can be reduced before 0, basis cannot.
    I would say $0 is the correct answer to that question.
    Can you confirm that is correct?


    My notes say the following for S corp basis order.
    1 Increase for Income and Gains
    2 Decrease for distributions
    3 decrease for non-deductible, non-capital expenses
    4 decrease for losses and deductions.

    Not sure if this applies to AAA, or just S corp basis. I think that order only applies to S corp stock basis.


    Reviewing the AICPA released 2015 questions. Missed 3 of 20 on the Difficult, and 1 of 20 on the moderate. One was a “using my head to try and do math” mistake.
    Not overly concerned about the MCQs, but the AICPA released questions for 15, 16 and 17 all seem to have some difficult SIMs.
    Need to review and freshen up on property contributed to and distributed from entities. Partnerships seem to be the easiest, but the corps with assets that have appreciated in value, and with liabilities. Always throwing me a curveball.

    Snowing here in NY, so I think I'll take a snowday tomorrow to focus on my review.
    How is everyone else progressing?



    Where did you get the 2015 AICPA MCQ and SIM released questions?

    Snowing here as well in central KY. I don't like to do any problems (new or old) the day before an exam so it will just be a day of reviewing notes tomorrow for me.

    BEC = 72 (6/08/16)
    FAR = ?
    REG = ?
    AUD = ?


    Hey guys, I survived! It was everything I thought it would be (unfortunately). There were no surprises but I felt like I became fuzzy on a lot of the details, and a lot of my answers could have gone one way or the other. I'd say I felt unsure of about 10 MCQs, 15 at most. The SIMS were straightforward as far as subject matter, but I often got confused on what exactly it is that they were asking for. I think I could've done a few more practice SIMS to better prepare. But if you have the “Analysis” topics nailed down, you'll be just fine. I used the AL in almost all of my SIMS and found it very useful to lookup/validate my answers. Overall, I'm not feeling great and definitely felt more confident coming out of FAR. We'll see what happens in three weeks but I wouldn't be totally shocked with a pass or fail.



    I hope you passed. Thanks for sharing. What do you recommend for time mgmt? How long to spend on MCQ? How long on SIMs?

    BEC = 72 (6/08/16)
    FAR = ?
    REG = ?
    AUD = ?

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