REG Study Group – Q2 2018 - Page 12

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    How relevant is it that I know all of the separate forms and schedules and what goes on it? The Wiley lecturer has covered several and I'm hoping that doesn't show up on a MCQ.


    Hey guys I need some advice. So I was originally going to take REG June 7th in order to make the cutoff date but I'm seriously behind in my studies due to work (and not being able to study during busy season). Should I wait until July to take my exam (and not receive my score until September)? This is only my second exam and I'm terrified of losing my FAR credit (expired June 2019). But I also don't want to rush myself and I'm only halfway through Becker.



    I was busy with family commitments…so couldn't share my experience! My reg exam was good..hope to clear through this time ..last time I couldn't manage my time ..this time i finished my McQ both module in 1hr and 40 mins remaining time for sims.
    I tell you , get well prepared with concepts on individual and entities throughly .. definitely you will do good with sims, and lot of practice and mock exam will help to manage time. I had given my last reg exam in February so this time I just I needed lot of practice !! Awaiting score for FAR and REG now
    All best for exam and score to everyone!!


    I would suggest don't miss this window ..even now you have lot of days in your hand . When you have busy schedule try to study at least 2 hrs a day. Focus on understanding the concepts of individual / entities and etics. Keep blaw last. You can use whole may month for studying and revision ..from June do practice of mcqs and do mock exams..aim to clear it in june ..make a plan for time and the chapters to finish with in that time schedule… unfortunately if you don't clear in this june window .you will just need more practice for July exam!and studying the weaker sessions In my opinion you can do it with schedule and plan! Don't miss the window ! Without pain no gain !
    I am at verge of losing Bec credit if I don't clear far and reg till Sept, but I am sure I would clear reg this window but not far ..finger crossed..let see how it comes out ..


    For all things sacred, Wiley, Can you PLEASE not screw things up. Just got a question about alimony payment, and choice one is that alimony payments MUST be in cash, doesn't mention Payment of expenses in any fashion; choice 2 states that alimony terminates at death of recipient spouse. So I naturally choose choice 2 only. At which point Wiley says they're both right, saying that expenses paid=cash. Technically this is iffy but I'm so aggravated that they stress that I know that payment of expenses is alimony then neglect to list it as part of the proper answer choice.


    Hey guys,

    I'm taking REG this Saturday and I had a question regarding thresholds for individuals – do we need to remember all the numbers? (such as Child tax credit phasing out at $75000 for Single and so on?)


    i asking for the third time :
    Is it correct that a long term capital gain from an S-Corp is entered twice on form 1120s ( but not entered in ordinary income computation ) and k-1 ?


    @walid6500 I think capital gain/loss appears only on the S-corp's Schedule K and the shareholders' K-1's, not on the face of the 1120S.


    Question regarding study method. I'm currently using Roger, not that it's relevant to the question, but when completing study material questions(IPQ for Roger users) do you reference notes and the book or do you simply go off memory after reading the textbook and watching videos?


    Does anyone know if starting July the content for REG changes?



    Not that I know of.
    Drastic changes in CPA test for REG are not welcome , but they are sure coming in 2019 AND NOT anytime this year.

    Trump Tax Law Changes Tested on CPA Exam in 2019


    @amor thanks! that's what I thought but I just started my CRAM review and at the beginning they talk about how the first half of the year they test prior year tax code and the second half they test the current year and just wondering in case I need a retake if I had to learn new stuff. Hopefully we pass this year!!


    yea! i'm wondering that as well. there's a lot of numbers to memorize :'(

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