2 weeks until REG retake

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  • #194872

    I’ve been doing MCQ and re-writing Ninja notes every day for a week now. I thought giving myself 3 weeks until my retake would be sufficient since I just took the exam at the end of May. Re-writing notes is taking way longer than expected. Should I re-type them instead? I’m kind of scattered all over the place trying to cover different topics. What should I be doing for these last two weeks?

    Retaking 7/2 and going on vacation on 7/3. Should I postpone this thing?

    REG - 79
    FAR - ?
    AUD - ?
    BEC - ?

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  • #674197

    I don't get the whole writing and rewriting notes thing.. I think it would be such a waste of time especially if you already know the material.. The point in revising is to hit the weak areas.. If you know it, you know it and move on to the next..

    What was your score? If it was 70 to 75, I think July 2 is good retake.


    Hey Another85,

    I got a 73. I too feel like re-writing is a bit of a waste. My weakest area is BLaw by far. I don't want to focus on that only, though. Every exam is different.

    I have Becker. Should I just re-read the book on my weak areas and do MCQ?

    REG - 79
    FAR - ?
    AUD - ?
    BEC - ?


    I just added notes when I retook reg. Also reading the book and doing mcq helped a lot.


    @Broag a 73 is a pretty good score for a fail! So, 2 weeks are sufficient!

    Again, please do not re-write notes. This is not helpful; it's a pure waste of time and will only lead to frustration. Discover something new, something that you don't know or you're weak at. Things you already know and mastered you don't need to re-do or re-write..

    Your plan sounds good! Yes, re-read your weak areas on the e-book or your highlighted book, and do MCQ over and over again.. I wouldn't focus too much on bus law because it's only 20% of the exam, but yeah do study it. Study it but do not neglect taxes 1-4.


    Re-writing notes is NOT a waste of time. Re-typing is a waste of time. It helps stick the material into your mind because it makes you think about what you are writing.

    In fact it is one of the steps in the NINJA method.

    FAR: 63, 55, 62
    REG: 65, 77*
    AUD: Fail, 64, 71
    BEC: 72, 74, 81



    ^it also depends on your learning style

    FAR: 63, 55, 62
    REG: 65, 77*
    AUD: Fail, 64, 71
    BEC: 72, 74, 81



    @ golfball7773

    But don't you think that re-writing everything is a bit waste of time? Like if you already know it, why waste time on re-writing it? That's my reason. But I agree with you on the learning style!



    Writing notes may be a good mode of learning if you have 4+ weeks until exam day. I'm in a bit of a time crunch so I want to be able to maximize the time that I have left. I'm still trying to learn how to learn, if that makes sense. Right now I seem to benefit from doing MCQ and then going back to the book/notes for clarification.

    REG - 79
    FAR - ?
    AUD - ?
    BEC - ?


    Learning style makes all the difference in the world. To me, I had several topics I could just not nail down until I handwrote them. Even typing wasn't enough. It's not a waste of time if it helps you.


    You have 2 weeks right?

    Reset your NINJA MCQ data and start from the beginning there, and hit it hard. I studied for REG in a total of 4 weeks and the last week was a lot of NINJA MCQ.

    This will give you a good overview of all areas and after some time it will throw more of your weaker areas at you.

    Take notes on MCQ's that you do not know. Use these notes for your final review because they will be specifically designed for your weak areas.

    All the above posts are about not wasting your time, NINJA MCQ is designed to not waste your time.

    I got a 78% on a practice test the day before I sat, and I got an 81 on the actual exam.


    I only rewrite the subjects that I struggle with. Like with REG, I had the hardest time with S-corps so, I just rewrote my notes on that subject and worked the MCQ's until it stuck

    FAR: 63, 55, 62
    REG: 65, 77*
    AUD: Fail, 64, 71
    BEC: 72, 74, 81



    Broag, if you postpone your test, you won't be able to enjoy your vacation at all. You will be either missing out on activities and relaxation by studying or you will feel guilty for not studying more. I also got a 73 on REG in May and I will be retaking the exam in July, I just haven't scheduled it yet. I have Becker and I'm going through everything again, from start to finish.

    AUD - 77
    REG - 73, 80
    FAR - 69, 73, 79 and DONE!
    BEC - 82


    A 73 on REG most likely means you're off by one or two questions. You're so close and with a little extra practice, you'll get there. If you're asking for advice, just do more MCQ's. I can't stress how important it is to understand why you got questions right and why you got questions wrong. The key is to practice, practice, practice. REG is

    The CPA exams do not measure inteligence. They measure persistance, perseverance, and memory to some extent. However, the key with these exams is to practice until you have a solid understanding why you got the questions correct or incorrect.

    AUD: 88
    FAR: 80
    REG: 63, 65, 78
    BEC: 84

    Don't give up. Just try again!



    I think you're absolutely right. My score sheet came back and showed I scored weaker on MCQ (I was shocked because I thought I did well) and comparable on SIMs (shocked again, because I thought I only did OK).

    Ninja MCQ are kicking my ass at the moment. I was trending at 75% but after yesterday and today I am at 66%. So pissed.

    REG - 79
    FAR - ?
    AUD - ?
    BEC - ?


    Broag, how long did it take to get your score sheet? I took my exam May 26 and haven't received it yet.

    AUD - 77
    REG - 73, 80
    FAR - 69, 73, 79 and DONE!
    BEC - 82

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