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  • #170379

    Audit 61 (10/11)

    Reg 70 (11/11); 70 (4/12)

    Bec 74 (1/12)

    Far 65 (2/12)

    The first time thru I was taking Becker classes, I was lucky to get thru all the homework questions once before each test. I really struggled with the concepts and formats of the questions. Now the second time thru I’ve been trying to get through all the homework questions 2-3 times 2 times fully through 3rd time just the marked questions. The major flaw is probably my lack of work on simulations. I re-took Bec at the end of April but now not feeling so great about how that test went. I knew Reg 10 times better the second time thru and it just baffles me I got the same score. And of course NASBA gives you barely anything to go on with what you did wrong. The first time through I didn’t really use the becker flashcards, but this time I’ve actually started to use them. Also for Reg and Bec I didn’t spend much time on the simulations. I have the Becker review through April 2013. Do I need to get different review material? I was getting 80’s and 90’s on the Reg homework in Becker the second time through, I thought for sure I’d at least raise my score. What am I doing wrong?

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  • #343068

    I'm so sorry to hear that you didn't pass. I understand how must be itching for a passing score. Don't give up, and continue studying harder.

    I took REG twice before I passed. The first two times, I skipped chapters and didn't leave enough time for review…however, I changed everything for the 3rd try.

    Read each chapter in Becker at least twice, and do all the MCQs at least 3-4 times. Do all the SIMs more than once, at least…if not more.

    I would also recommend buying a Wiley Testbank, that was a HUGE help. I didn't have enough time to do all blaw MCQs from Wiley, but I managed to do all the Tax related SIMS/MCQs at least once, some twice. Wiley does an awesome job with tax, while Becker does a great job with blaw.

    Good Luck and keep working at it!! I know how hard it is, but it will be possible if we just keep at it.


    you've only given yourself 1-2 months between each exam and haven't passed any section yet. why would you move to another section after all the time studying for one without having passed it yet?

    focus at least 2-3 months on one part, pass it, then continue on to the next section. why are you rushing? you should make sure you know the material even better this time through.


    Study far for 3-4 months. Pass that one and you'll gain confidence for the rest.Trust me it can be done. I used Yaegar and essentially had to teach myself accounting for FAR.

    FAR 80
    REG 76
    AUD 85
    BEC 85
    Ethics 98


    Honestly, it really sounds like you just need to focus on each individual part more. You gave yourself a month for FAR and REG your first time around. That just isn't enough time, unless you aren't working and studying 6-8 hours a day. If you are working/going to take two in a test period, try to schedule one test of the first week in the test month, and the second later in the second month.

    In addition, you should do more than the HW problems (do them more than once, and don't forget to read everything in the book, at least once). Bring a couple flash cards with you on the bus, when you work out, etc.

    Reg 77 (Aug 11)
    Aud 80 (Nov 11)
    BEC 79 (Jan 12)
    FAR 80 (April 12)

    See Pee A

    Think of study time in terms of hours, not weeks/months. It all depends on how much time you can put in daily. Are you working, or a student only? I studied while in school, so I regularly put in 4 hours and then 6+ on weekends and other days when my school workload was light. Also consider your level of familiarity with the information. Are you finishing up school? Are you several years out of school? Add/subtract from your total time to adjust for those factor. The last one is how well (i.e. quickly) you can pick up new information. You're on your own to judge that factor.

    After each fail, you need to evaluate where you went wrong. You are in the +- 70 range, indicating you are definitely close. Your gap is small, relatively speaking. I'm assuming you are going through some topics too quickly or not understanding them as fully as you need to in order to feel completely comfortable. Also, you need to stay fresh on everything so remember to continually refresh your memory. I often found that I would learn a topic, do well on the problems, and find myself scratching my head when I had to review it a week later. Work on keeping everything fresh and learning it fully to begin with. Hopefully it helps.

    BEC 86 (08/30/11)
    FAR 84 (10/13/11)
    REG 88 (11/08/11)
    AUD 86 (11/29/11)

    Exam prep - Becker self-study


    Two times through on the MCQs is not enough by any means, in my opinion. Some of the Becker questions I did 7 times. Maybe that's overkill, but I ended up with good results. I did all the Becker questions at least 4 times. Always do your progress tests, and if you've got the answers memorized, get some other MCQs and do those. I agree with the others who've said don't move on to the next one. I have a terrible feeling about AUD, and that I'll be taking it again. But most people only put in a few extra weeks and then pass the second time around. If you move on to the next one, you'll have to start from the beginning again. Knock them out one by one. Good luck.

    BEC: (4/2012) 88
    AUD: (5/2012) 91
    REG: (8/2012) 82
    FAR: (1/2013) 78 🙂

    VA CPA #42010


    7 times? what's the point of that. By the third time you have already memorized it.

    BEC- 80
    REG- 68, 71, July
    AUD- 61 , 84
    FAR- -- 75 🙂


    I would recommend getting the wiley book and using those questions to supplement the becker questions. I am not sure if you have the same problem, but I quickly memorize the question and answer after I see them once. I try to study first then do the MC and take notes on mistakes, then rework the missed questions another time so they are not fresh in my mind.

    Then work the wiley book towards the end of your studies for fresh questions. If i saw the same question seven times i could tell you A, B, C, or D before i got to the end of the first sentence.

    Reg - 2/24/12 passed
    BEC - 4/3/12 passed
    FAR - round 2 7/1/12 passed
    AUD - round 2 11/01/12

    Using Becker, wiley, and NINJA.


    You're so close to passing! You can do this!

    Just register yourself for one section at a time that way you are not pressured to push through all the sections just so you can take your exam.

    Sounds like you know reg pretty well. Study that again and do not move on until you've passed. Most of the people I see that do not pass are the ones that don't allow themselves enough time to study. You're just wasting your money.

    If you feel like becker has taken you as far as you can, try another review course.


    I took Becker.

    Write 1-2 pages of notes (I type them) BEFORE you watch the lecture. You may never look at them again, but it forces your brain to READ the information (for VISUAL learners), and FEEL the information (for KINESTHETIC learners). Then watch the lectures 1-2 pages at a time carefully listening to what they tell you to highlight and underline. This helps you HEAR the information (for AUDITORY learners) and emphasize again with marks (for VISUAL learners). After the lecture is over, don't start with questions right away. If you have flashcards, review them until you are generally comfortable with them. Then and only then start the MCQs.

    Some people bash Becker hard saying stuff comes out of left field that you aren't prepared for, but you have to give all the material an honest shot at getting absorbed into your brain before you start jumping at the questions. But I sincerely believe that the more ways you process information in your brain, the more likely it is to be stored into your long term memory.

    Do all the MCQs once. Make a new flashcard for each question you miss (if Becker hasn't already made one for you) and jot down the little factoid or rule to help you in the future.

    Do all the MCQs again one more time after you've covered all the material and can manage your way through the entire stack of flashcards largely unaided. Again the philosophy being that you should use MCQs to test your knowledge of the material, rather than use them as the actual learning tool. I know that goes against what Peter Olinto says, but I honestly feel that they stress MCQs too hard.

    But that's my 2 cents.

    A - 93 - 10/25/2011
    R - 92 - 1/17/2012
    B - 91 - 5/31/2012
    F - 93 - 10/1/2012
    E - 90 - 11/17/2012


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