What would you do?

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  • #1394807

    So I received a failing score on REG yesterday. It came as quite the surprise because I don’t think I missed more than 2 or 3 of the MCQ. The simulations must have got me (Roger really does cover the bare minimum). Research seems to get me too. Has anyone else ever encountered hitting “Search”, then selecting “Search Within” to only receive MORE hits?

    Anyway. I need to determine when to schedule my retake. Do I A) study over the holidays while the material is still fresh in my head and schedule the retake for say January 9th? Or B) Order some supplementing material to add to my studies and take the exam the first week of March?

    The only issue with March is starting the second week of January I work until about 9:00pm every night, including weekends (my busy season) for 3-7 weeks. If it’s three weeks, that’s not so bad. But last year it was 7 weeks and I wasn’t able to sit for an exam in Q1 (had absolutely no time to study). So my fear is if I schedule my retake for March, that I won’t have sufficient time to study.
    What would you do? I appreciate any feedback.

    FAR - 75 November 2015
    REG - 69 April 2016 (WTH? Test I got isn't what I studied for)
    BEC - 81 June 2016
    AUD - TBD

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  • #1394837

    What was your score? If you were close to passing, I believe you would only have to focus on strengthening your weak areas. After that is complete, conduct a quick review on everything else. Your strong areas will naturally get you ahead but your weak areas will pull you behind. This applies to everyone. If you have strong areas and have average to strong “weak ares” after your second review, then you shouldn't have a problem passing. It is all about making sure you understand all sections at some baseline measure.

    If you weren't close to passing, I would schedule the exam at the end of the window. This will leave you with the maximum available study time. Study EVERY NIGHT after work and every free moment. Remind yourself that if you do properly study now, you won't have to go through this same exercise again.

    The search within the search results should narrow the results, not increase it.

    I believe you meant to write February, not March. Please take it in February. Too many candidates try to cram the knowledge. If you know your stuff, which takes place with paced learning, then passing will not be a problem. There is a no timeline in a sense. I see candidates constantly fail because they're focused on the calendar compared to trying to make sure they understand the material. Like I mentioned before, if you understand the material, passing isn't a problem. When candidates pass on their third and beyond try, it usually indicates that they did not the material. I'm sure they will admit they know a lot more on the passing round than they did on the first attempt. If you fail in January, you will feel deflated and probably study a lot less leading up to the Q2 attempt. Take your time and study for a exam scheduled at the end of Q1, February. The only time there is a true rush is when you lose a section's credit (18 month rule). Best of luck.


    Also, do you really want to pay for Q1, fail, and then pay again to take it in Q2, when you could've spent a few extra weeks in Q1 to properly study and pass?


    Hi, Reg is my last part . I took it in November 14 and failed with a 70%. I was weak in the simulations. I am taking the exam again January 9. I work for a Big 4 so I don’t have a lot of time. I’m making 100 multiple choices per day aprox. I have seen all the video, read all the material and I’m still getting 60% to 70% in the MCs. I don’t know what more to do. English is my second language, but I don’t think thats the problem. I’m frustrated and stressed. Please help!!!!


    I think I remember seeing a post from you a while back stating the same thing about Roger's REG course and how it left out a lot of details. Did you supplement anything else with it?

    I used Roger and the 10 pt combo for my REG exam. I knew it would be a longshot for me to pass because I didn't have enough time and my NTS was expiring. I feel Roger taught me enough to help me pass, but his sims weren't good enough practice for the exam. I scored stronger on mcq's and weaker on sims and felt like both his and Ninja's sims were nothing like the actual exam. Granted I ran out of time and didn't get to study as many sims as I would have liked, but I've been focusing on them this time around.

    If you're looking for a more detailed course then I would suggest adding Gleim. They probably give you too much detail and some of it can be overkill, but you shouldn't have any surprises. I only bought the test bank, but the mcq's and sims are way harder than anything I've seen from Roger or Ninja.

    Good luck on the retake!

    FAR: 75 Roger & Ninja (notes/flashcards/audio/MCQ)
    AUD: 73, 81
    BEC: 71, retake 8/29


    Thanks for the input all… I actually meant March because you can sit the first week of the blackout month now. My concern with that March date is that I work 70 hour a week in Jan and possibly all of Feb. So if I wait until Feb/March I might have no time to study and the material is still somewhat fresh in my head now. I received a 71 just 12 days ago, but think I got maybe 3 MCQ at most wrong. I'm hoping that 3 weeks of study would bump me up at least 4 points. But being forced to put it down for 3-7 weeks concerns me.

    FAR - 75 November 2015
    REG - 69 April 2016 (WTH? Test I got isn't what I studied for)
    BEC - 81 June 2016
    AUD - TBD


    So I assume that you scored stronger on all sections of the MCQ? This should be true if you believe you missed 2 or 3 question.

    If this is true, I would keep studying, and supplement with ninja MCQ, and practice the sims. If you missed almost no MCQ, then, clearly, you have a great understanding on the material. You only need to learn how to apply the concepts to sims.


    Normally I'd say take the Holidays off and sit in Feb/March but given your work schedule, I say take it in January before busy season hits. I think part of the problem with these exams is people study when they are beyond exhausted from a really demanding job and their retention is poor when tired. If you're working till 9pm every night and stretch out your study time over 2-3 months, it's going to be really hard to make progress without forgetting what you learned in prior chapters. If you sit in January, you'll have more time to study and won't have to review as long since it's over a shorter window. Good luck!

    BEC - 88 8/29/15
    REG - 82 11/14/15
    AUD - 83 1/8/16
    FAR - 80 2/29/16


    You got way more than 3 MCQ wrong if you didn't pass. I'm pretty sure I got 10-20 MCQs wrong on all my exams.

    I would just do Ninja MCQs and SIMs for 3 weeks and take it January 9th.

    FAR - June 2016 - 88
    REG - July 2016 - 89
    AUD - Aug 2016 - review phase currently
    BEC - Sep 2016 -

    Wiley CPA Excel & Ninja MCQ


    You are probably right circadian. But it sure did feel like I knew the answer to every question. Just not sure I could ever know this material as well as I did two weeks ago? I haven’t looked at it since, so we’ll see if I can regain it all back over the next 3 weeks… if not it may be in my best interest to put it off until early March. I just hope I have time to study if I take that approach. I lose FAR on 5/31.

    FAR - 75 November 2015
    REG - 69 April 2016 (WTH? Test I got isn't what I studied for)
    BEC - 81 June 2016
    AUD - TBD


    So you have passed FAR, AUD, & BEC?

    FAR - June 2016 - 88
    REG - July 2016 - 89
    AUD - Aug 2016 - review phase currently
    BEC - Sep 2016 -

    Wiley CPA Excel & Ninja MCQ


    Since you lose FAR on 5/31, I would study over the holidays and bang it out before busy season. If you fail again (if you stay dedicated over the holidays I believe you can pass, but just in case you fail) this gives you the second testing window to take it again before you lose FAR. Yes, you may waste $200 doing it like this, but losing $200 to me is worth making sure you don't lose FAR. Just my two cents. Good luck to you in staying dedicated. You've got this!

    B - 12/10/2016
    A - 94!!!!!!!!!! (7/1/2016)
    R - 10/7/2016
    F - 8/27/2016


    I have passed FAR, BEC, and AUD. My FAR expires on 5/31/17 (so I have two more attempts at REG). I was really hoping to lay off of studying and catch my breath before working 70 hour weeks for a month, but I just don't trust that those hours will be done a week into Feb. I'm afraid it will bleed into late Feb and leave me with no time to study for a retake in Q1. Which is why I'm considering taking my retake around Jan 9th (giving me 3 weeks to study)

    FAR - 75 November 2015
    REG - 69 April 2016 (WTH? Test I got isn't what I studied for)
    BEC - 81 June 2016
    AUD - TBD

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