Took REG on Saturday. Questions…

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  • #1371050

    I felt like I did pretty well on the MCQs overall and that I was able to skate through them pretty quickly. However, I feel like I got murdered on the SIMS overall… anyone else take it this weekend and feel this way? Also, if this is considered exam disclosure, please let me know and I will edit my post, but I feel like all of my non-research SIMS required typed in amounts as opposed to a drop down box with amounts, which greatly reduced my chances of getting the correct answer. It definitely killed much of my confidence at the end with some topics where I had no idea where to start because I would have an astronomically low chance of typing in the correct amount as opposed to picking one out of a list.

    Sorry, I’m not normally a downer on these forums…but damn it really deflated me at the end.

    FAR - 78, 5/7/16
    AUD - 87, 7/16/16
    BEC - 8/27/16
    REG - 12/3/16

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  • #1371083

    All of my SIMS were like that as well. I had no gimmes. I realized how varied the topics they tested were. Litterally minutae picked at random from the Becker book. I have a photographic memory so I remember atleast skimming the book and seeing where all the questions came from. Now passing, ill see Thursday morning.


    I took it on Friday. The Sims were type in like that. Built off initial numbers like that as well. I couldn't (and still cant) find my research question. I'll be writing again in January

    FAR - 07/07/2016 - 81
    BEC - 08/23/2016
    AUD - 10/05/2016
    REG - 11/23/2016


    I felt like I got my butt kicked by the REG sims too…and they were definitely my strength in Audit/FAR. I'm not sure why I found them harder, but I did. Ended up OK. You know how it is…you don't really know how you did until you get your score, and you don't know what/who you're being graded against. My experience with my own scores, and listening to others, is that you typically are going to average the same score within a 5 point float. That probably means you're OK.

    I also had the exam crash 4 times on me and lost about 15-20 minutes.


    The sims are always brutal for me. I only am confident on the research questions. In all, you do better on the sims then you think u do imo. I think the key for sims is leaving enough time for them to complete them all bc when the sims are compared with others there will always be those who didn't finish theirs due to poor time management (for me i need at least an hour and 45 min but i like to leave 2 hrs if i can. But for a 3 hour exam as opposed to a 4 hr exam an hour and thirty to forty five is good. For four hour exams i like to leave 2 hours

    FAR (5/31) PASS (Best birthday gift ever!)


    I took it on 11/21 and my SIMS , although on topics I was relatively strong in, were derivative of prior answers within each SIM and that has got me worried too. Lets hope we all made it thru.

    I was able to do my research but I wasted almost 20 minutes on it and had to rush thru the rest. 🙁

    AUD - 8/29/16
    FAR - TBS
    REG - TBS


    @aatoural sounds like me to a T! I was scrounging through the IRC to find answers to some questions. I did have success finding guidance for some of my questions but I spent too much time doing research and ran out of time in the end. I plugged zeros in a lot of boxes :/

    FAR - 78, 5/7/16
    AUD - 87, 7/16/16
    BEC - 8/27/16
    REG - 12/3/16


    I took the test this weekend and feel like I did fairly well on the Sims. Typically, SIMs have been my weak point. Since this was my 3rd time taking Reg, I decided to really focus on studying Sims provided in Becker. I felt like I did ‘ok' on the MCQs (probably lingering around the 75% mark which could go either way or on the 7-10 that I guessed on.

    I feel like I had 3, of 6, sims (one of which being the research question) completely correct. I pray that I was able to salvage 50-60% on the others and I should be okay!

    Fingers crossed though!


    @LonelyROnPaul – I was able to finish but the rushing was terrible. Almost jumping on my seat

    AUD - 8/29/16
    FAR - TBS
    REG - TBS


    Y'know…I'm remembering the REG research question being a problem now. It took 5 minutes in audit and finance, but REG took me a solid 20 minutes, and I had to keep trying different search times to zone in on what I wanted. I finished Finance with at least an hour to go, I finished Audit with a solid 2 hours left…I had 3-4 minutes on REG. I did lose time on crashes, but REG also just took longer.


    aaronmo – How do you take test so fast? You must not use AL to do the sims and have everything memorized. I always used till last minute.

    Just took the test.

    My research question was very easy; found it in 2 minutes and I am very confident that I got it right.

    5 other sims (1 DRS; i believe DRS is pretty common so it would not interfere with disclosure..)

    Overall I feel little better than last time. However areas I studied (heavily on property transaction).. oh well.

    DRS sim I think I did fairly good… last time I had DRS sim I totally misread it and probably blew the whole thing.

    Anyone not familiar with DRS sims, please go to RogerCPA website for DRS. I watched it yesterday and found to be helpful.

    Other 4 sims, 1 sim was little off from my expectation and I am not sure how I did it. Other 3 sims I did not feel terrible about.

    As for MCQs, 1 testlet was definitely easy and second one got extremely hard. I am not sure what third one is, so I am calling Medium/Hard/Med or Hard. Coming out, I think I made dumb 3 MCQ mistakes because of figure/language, so I feel little bad but overall I do not think it was that awful. Just wait for score release, but I will listen to audio during commute in case I have to retake, which I hope not…

    Materials: Wiley book + Ninja MCQ

    FAR - 83 (Jan 2016)
    Study time: 6 weeks
    BEC - 87 (April 2016)
    Study time: 2 weeks
    AUD - 92 (July 2016), (74 Feb 2016), (72 May 2016)
    Study time: 4 (Feb) + 2 (May) + 3 (July) = 9 weeks total
    REG - (70 April 2016)
    Study time: 3 weeks


    I hear you RonPaul. I took REG yesterday and thought I killed the MCQ. I was feeling pretty confident before I started the TBS. The first thing I did was read the description at the bottom of each TBS. I was psyched to see that I was familiar with each of the topics in the 7 TBS. Too bad for me that each TBS had a twist that I don't recall ever encountering in my studies. On top of that none of my TBS had dropdown options. I had to compute an amount for every question… Then there is the research, which should be easy but I always struggle with. Has anyone else encountered hitting “search” then when you hit “search within” you actually get more results?


    FAR - 75 November 2015
    REG - 69 April 2016 (WTH? Test I got isn't what I studied for)
    BEC - 81 June 2016
    AUD - TBD

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