Times where you think you failed but actually passed

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  • #1535601

    Hey everyone,

    Just took reg last week and feel like I should have done better than I did. This whole cpa exam process has me really stressed out and depressed. Does anyone have any times where they think they failed but actually passed. I just can’t find the strength to keep going and no one around me really understands my pain because they’re not accountants. Thank you guys in advanced.

    Bec- 79
    Reg- waiting for results
    Aud- taking 6/1/17
    Far- taking 9/1/17

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  • #1535607

    The only one that I thought I passed, I failed. Every single one that I passed, I felt terrible walking out. Its adaptive testing, don't stress it much. Just try and prepare for both results and move on. I hope that helps


    HAHAH I love these threads. Started one myself a couple months back when I was so concerned I failed REG (check out my thread). Anyways, I literally thought I failed. Multiple choice on my first testlet were randomly really hard and I messed up two sims and definitely did not get the damn research question. Passed with a 78. Simply put, you never know until you get your score.


    Hahaha thanks guys, you are the only ones that understand me. SallyCPA I will read your post, thanks haha.


    I walked out of Audit thinking I passed, failed with a 72. I walked out of Reg thinking I failed, passed with a 77.


    I thought I failed FAR, which was my first test. Ended up getting an 88


    Probably BEC and REG. Note how low the scores are.

    Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved - Helen Keller


    BEC 80 (10/23/15)
    FAR 72 (4/2/15); 83 (7/11/16)
    REG 52 (4/28/15)
    AUD (9/9/16)

    Roger + NINJA MCQ + WTB


    I literally only passed the times when I cried after a test because I thought “wow that was a waste of money…no way I passed.” By the last test I started crying at…my family was laughing and celebrating because they knew that meant I was done. It still makes no sense to me because the times I thought I passed, I definitely failed.


    I passed BEC with an 87 and thought I probably failed. This process is brutal and I have been depressed too. It's overwhelming, very stressful, and super competitive. Stay Strong and know many other candidates are going though the same rollercoaster of emotions. No one truly understands this process except us candidates. Goodluck.


    On my last FAR take I was cursing from testlet 2 all the way until I submitted the test with 3 seconds left. I started to ball my eyes out right out of the prometric center: cried while walking to my car, cried on the way back home, and the dam officially broke at home with loud sobs and everything that comes with it. There was no way I though I passed it because it was a test from hell!!! Well, I barely squeezed in but hey, a pass is a pass!

    REG - 75!!!
    FAR - 66; 73 (FML!!!)
    AUD - 09/16
    BEC - TBD


    Thank you all, I feel a little bit better now.


    When I took FAR I was convinced that I did no better than a 50. The score release was only a week after the exam, I kept on studying!

    To say that I was surprised when I saw an 86 would be an understatement. And just like that, the studying was over.


    It took me 5 total attempts to completely pass (2 tries for REG) and each time I thought I failed. I was only right one time. Was a pleasant surprise about every time. My opinion is, you always did better than you think.

    FAR - 78, 5/7/16
    AUD - 87, 7/16/16
    BEC - 8/27/16
    REG - 12/3/16


    Like others have experienced in this post, I too felt I had failed my first three tests, but passed. On my fourth test I walked out knowing I had passed and instead actually failed it with a 74. Re-test felt way harder than the first one and again I was sure I failed but passed with a 77.

    First go at the CPA! Only using Becker
    Reg / Nov 2015 - 87
    Far / Apr 2016 - 79
    Bec / May 2016 - 80
    Aud / Aug 2016

    Mike J

    I thought I failed FAR, my last exam.

    It wasn't because I didn't know the material. FAR from it (allow me the pun).

    I thought I was on pace to get in the 90s based on my MCQ. While preparing, I made sure to know the Govt funds COLD and how to categorize (private) NFP income and expense items. This is 24% of the pie.

    But, then the SIMs hit. The other 6 SIMs were pretty straight forward. BUT, I didn't know how to approach the new document based one. So, I had to quickly get over frustration that I would be done in by this new document based SIM.

    It's a FARE question type to ask. But I just didn't prepare much for it. I used NINJA exclusively​ and Jeff didn't have much at the time (Dec 2016).

    They asked me questions that appeared to refer to things I couldn't find. Perhaps it was because I panicked a little. But because I spent a good 20 minutes on that, I only had 5 minutes to tackle the last one.

    The other 5 SIMs didn't take me that long to complete. However, when I got to the document based one, I decided to start with that and leave what I felt was super easy for last. BUT, the super easy one had 4 more blanks than the DBS.

    I budgeted myself to 30 minutes per multiple guess section. So I would have 90 minutes for the SIMs. I left the new document based SIM for second to last. I assumed that because it was new that it would not be experimental.

    For disclosure purposes I can't say which topic the last one was. But, I'm kicking myself even now. If I were better prepared for the new SIM type, I would have had time to complete the last SIM. The last one involved an Asset class that I found painfully easy. But, I had to guess on most of it because of time restraints.

    Anyway, I was sweating it out because I thought I failed based on that new SIM.

    Thankfully I am now fully certifiable–for a different reason.

    CPA couldn't pass again


    It really sucks now that I have to wait so long to get my score back. Will they give us an extension for the sections we have?

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