Talk about a punch in the gut!

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  • #194371
    Laura M.

    I got a 74 on my 2nd attempt at REG. While a 74 just stinks, losing a section because of that one point stinks worse! I will be retaking July 1st and then re-taking AUD end of August. I don’t know if I should go back to my first study stuff (cpa excel) or just re-do the NINJA stuff again for my REG retake. I have to buy the MCQ since it expired so I just hate putting more money into it! I am just so lost! I want to give up but I know I cannot. So frustrating! I have three kids at home, 4, 2, and 9 months and I just want all of this to be over and be able to be a mom again!

    FAR - 82
    AUD - 79 (lost credit), 75
    BEC - 76
    REG - 91

    CPAexcel and Ninja Notes and Ninja MCQ

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  • #667686

    That definitely sucks. Don't give up, you will be done by August.


    Sorry Laura, 74 is the worst


    So sorry Laura. It's just not right but I like your attitude. It's obvious that you have this!


    The only positive side about all these is that you lost a credit of one of the parts you passed on your first try. You will do it again as Audit has not changed much since last year. You dont even need to change your study material, you just have to do exactly what you did to get a 79.

    Through God all things can happen!

    “You never fail until you stop trying.”
    ― Albert Einstein
    When I was young, I used to admire intelligent people;as I grow older, I admire kind people.
    “Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.”

    FAR= 72-84
    Audit= 73-82
    BEC= 74-75


    Ugh I'm sorry. That has got to hurt! You are still doing a pretty good job of staying motivated. I think you should be able to go back to CPA Excel. It has probably been a while since you've seen those questions. I guess if you go back to it and you find you still have them memorized, then try a different test bank,

    Florida CPA!
    Took final exam 2/25/15.
    Sent in Application 3/12/15.
    Issued License 3/20/15.
    Used CPA Excel solely for all exams.

    Laura M.

    Yes! I am glad I am not having to retake something it took me multiple tries to pass. That being said, I will have to give AUD a 110% because it has been 18 months since I took it! 🙂 Thank you all for the encouragement! I hope to have these two passed by the end of August and finally be finished!

    FAR - 82
    AUD - 79 (lost credit), 75
    BEC - 76
    REG - 91

    CPAexcel and Ninja Notes and Ninja MCQ


    @anjanja… Best luck on your REG exam. Go and get another 80s!!

    We are waiting for u on BEC study group…

    FAR - 77 x2 Wiley book & no test bank
    AUD - 83 x3 NINJA Test bank 3 time
    REG - 80 x1 NINJA Test bank
    BEC - 78 X2 NINJA Test bank ..done!!promesa cumplida mama -que llege al cielo 🙂
    Ethic 100% Licensed VA CPA


    @ Laura!!

    Since I changed to Ninja x Aud the 3rt time, I got Aud 83 and REG 80 ….

    I used WTB for FAR and AUD (1rs and 2sd time), I really think that Ninjan MCQ and Sim make the difference …

    Good Luck and YOU CAN DO THIS!!

    FAR - 77 x2 Wiley book & no test bank
    AUD - 83 x3 NINJA Test bank 3 time
    REG - 80 x1 NINJA Test bank
    BEC - 78 X2 NINJA Test bank ..done!!promesa cumplida mama -que llege al cielo 🙂
    Ethic 100% Licensed VA CPA



    I know exactly how you feel. It happens to me. I failed FAR by 5 points and also loose credit for Regulation. In addition I wanted to continue and to do other stuff in my life, but we almost there. Be strong and I know that you will pass this test. Just look forward, because there is no point of return. We have invested so much time, money and effort that the only thing that keep us moving forward is our family.

    Good luck studying..

    Laura M.

    @Makiu – Yes. I agree. At this point I have to keep going. I just keep trying to think that at least I am half way finished. It was better to say 75% finished but that is no more. I had planned my whole summer to enjoy post test and I am going to have to miss out on some stuff so I can buckle down and take this. If I can pass REG beginning of July and then AUD end of August I could be finished in 3 months. That seems like nothing since I have been studying since May of 2013! 🙂

    FAR - 82
    AUD - 79 (lost credit), 75
    BEC - 76
    REG - 91

    CPAexcel and Ninja Notes and Ninja MCQ


    Same boat club…. I just lost BEC with a 74 on FAR. And REG is an unknown for me – that score comes in 6/9. So while I had big dreams of being done, now I'm down to just one test passed, maybe two. It sucks so hard. My kid hates my study time too.

    Here's hoping we are both done in August.

    B 85 Aug 2015
    A 81 Jan 2015
    R 78 May 2015
    F 76 Jul 2015


    While I can't say that I share your pain of getting a failing test and losing credit, I can definitely say I understand how it feels to get a 74. It's definitely tough to take – I had two in a row with FAR when I first started this thing and I almost just quit then.

    I bumped my REG score 14 points by just utilizing the Wiley test bank. My wife was also able to increase hers from a 67 up to an 82 by primarily focusing on the tax portion using NINJA Notes and MCQ's. It's definitely possible, best of luck!


    Wow! Glad I'm not the only one in this boat. I was really feeling sorry for myself today. Having to tell my 11 year old that mommy failed (again) and will have to study during her summer break truly sucked! She asked me what a CPA was and why I wanted to be one so bad. She looked really sad and remarked that she thought I was giving up an awful lot for this test. sigh…

    AUD 88 (expired), 80 retake
    FAR 64,69,67,73,67,73,73,73, August 3
    REG 75 (expired) September 7
    BEC 72, 77

    The adventure continues...

    Laura M.

    @CPA50 , yeah my 4 year old just started crying because I had (stupidly) told him I thought I was finished studying forever…oops. He told me the beach was no fun without me there (which he has never been without me so I don't know why he thinks that) but it made me feel so bad because I will be taking the test July 1st and our beach vacation is June 26-July 5th. I will just head down after and then start AUD the next Monday.

    FAR - 82
    AUD - 79 (lost credit), 75
    BEC - 76
    REG - 91

    CPAexcel and Ninja Notes and Ninja MCQ


    Sorry for the disappointment, but I would go for ninja mcq's. Although I have not taken reg yet, but the mcq's has been a great study tool. I can get right to the point and use the book if I have to and believe me I don't want to. All is not lost, we know you wanted this to be over, but keep going it WILL be worth the extra effort. We all know it's hard not to get side tracked with summer and so many things going on as a mother. But you can do it… IS almost over………this will be a great story to tell your children and anyone that will listen.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass

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