Studying for REG…

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    Hi guys,

    So my next exam is REG and I absolutely hate it. I am using Becker, I am in Reg-6 and I can’t stand the lectures. They are so boring and long and I do not remember much afterwards, I feel like I am wasting my time with them. In your experience, how important is it to pay attention to the lectures and the text as opposed to doing all the MCQs and learn from them? Do you believe it is possible to just take notes from the MCQs explanations and not worry about all the lectures that are literally killing me little by little?

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  • #391210

    I dont particularly know how REG is (i havent taken it yet). But to maybe help you out, you obviously know how to pass the exams, you have taken and passed FAR and AUD. You know what it takes for you to pass the exam. So my question is why not do the exact same thing you did for the other 2? Also are you really engaging yourself and applying yourself to every lecture or is your mind wandering alot. This is probably why you dont remember alot of the lectures, because you are letting your mind wander and not pay attention.

    From my experience with my 3 that i have passed watching the videos helps just introduce the topic and give me some familiarity with what they are talking about. Also sometimes in the lectures there are tidbits that help clarify something. I have also noticed that most of the answers in the MCQ explanations dont really go in depth with the explanations. They will say why in that particular instance it is right but there might be 10 other situations you dont know about that could also make it right. Especially with contracts/agency/bankruptcy..etc there are a ton of situations and exceptions for each part.

    Do yourself diligence and buckle down and watch them. You are way to far along to start cutting corners and getting lazy. I have to keep telling myself this all the time too.

    FAR - 88 (Jul 2012)
    AUD - 85 (Oct 2012)
    BEC - 82 (Nov 2012)
    REG - 92 (Jan 2013) DONE!

    Using Becker Self Study 2012


    I wasted $3,200 on Gearty's course.

    However…. I still grit my teeth and slog through all of his lectures. Why? Because he clearly knows the exam and what's important on it. It's only by sitting through the recurring Gearty nightmare that I know what material to focus on and what to gloss over. I think that's really important given the volume of the material.

    I've considered (and maybe you should as well) just using the e-version of the book and skipping the lectures. That way the highlighting would show what to focus on and I wouldn't have to endure Gearty's yapping.


    @Cheese Dog, thanks! where can I find the e-version of the book?


    I access it through the “Study Roadmap.” (That's the page where you choose between viewing the lecture or doing the homework for that particular chapter.) The e-book icon is upper right. It shows all the yellow highlighting and even the red written notes that the lecturer adds as he talks.

    There's a potential problem with this strategy: I'm guessing that the software won't let us proceed to the homework if we haven't “viewed” the lectures. If this is the case, we can probably just open the lecture in another window and let it run silently in the background during some other task. Stupid, but maybe necessary.

    Good luck.


    I didn't spend one minute on lectures, outside of ninja audio. Take a look at ExamMatrix. I passed all my sections first time through with MCQ practice and Ninja materials.


    @Cheese Dog, you are the best! I had no idea I could do this. And yes, you can proceed wout lectures, coz sometimes I open hw wout listening to the lectures. That would be dumb if it was otherwise.

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