Stuck on REG, failed for the FOURTH time.

  • Creator
  • #1743123
    Aqua Maheen

    Hi y’all.

    I don’t know how to proceed after my fourth failure. 🙁 I’ve passed eveything else and I can’t seem to to pass. I have a fifth try before I lose my BEC credit.

    I have epilepsy and I started having seizures again-I’ve had four whilst studying for REG.

    I know this counts as a disability under ADA and that I can be accomodated for it but with my seizures and medication change I’m not sure how this would be possible because I can’t be accomadated for my memory/ My memory has become horrible, I’m barely able to recall life events, let alone memorize and recall what I study for REG.

    I know my information while I study it and shortly after, but I have a hard time recalling these random rules, exceptions, etc.

    I don’t know how to proceed from here..if anyone has been through anything like this, let me know how you studied. 🙁

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  • #1743210

    Sorry to hear about your reg fail, I have also just failed reg.
    since you passed the other three maybe add MCQ not seen before.
    You will be fine!!


    I think practicing sims related to topics that are heavily tested like Partnership, Individual taxation, S corporation, C corporation might help. After failing with 66, i practiced lots of sims related to above mentioned topics and did lot more MCQ than my prior try, that helped me get over the line. However i am on exact same position like you with AUDIT. This will be my fifth time and if i do not pass, I will lose FAR.


    It took me 4 times to finally pass REG and I lost my BEC credit in the process. I don't know about the medical condition but what I think finally helped it stick for me was the multiple choice questions. Over. And Over. And Over Again. I didn't re-listen to a lot of lectures for the 4th test but instead spent time actually doing the stuff and that helped a lot. And for me, the confidence of getting the MCQs correct helped me gain confidence that I did know the material and it just carried to the SIMS.

    My scores were: 59, 74, 72, and finally a 78.

    I have never touched taxes in my career and I do not work in public accounting so this section was like learning a second language for me.


    Wrong post


    REG is the WORST, only test that ive failed multiple times, and only test where I feel you can fail with a firm grasp of the concepts, the SIMs are killer and are my recommendation to passing


    reg is really the easiest.. well may be Bec is easier. Just read and understand reg. Do not mechanically do the problem. It is rather enjoyable doing the tax portion. the law portion is not fun due the the memorization but the rest is fun.


    @auditsucks, OMG, you and me are on the same boat. I find REG easier compared to Audit. Just need to understand the concept but for Audit this is my fifth try and if i do not pass this sh it i will lose FAR credit as well as BEC. Yesterday on exam i bomb Research based sim as well as other sims were very memorable. I hat e audit as well..

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