SEC Regulations for REG

  • Creator
  • #199754

    Test in 48 hours! Just want to firm up on this topic but was hoping those with experience can help me determine where to spend my energy….

    what’s important from SEC regulations??

    FAR - 75
    AUD - 78
    BEC - 82
    REG - 77

    2 Corinthians 5:21

    Our value does not come from our skills and abilities, as good as they may be; it does not come from our GPA, our job, a promotion from that job to a better job, our success on the CPA exam, or anything of the like; but our value comes from the fact that we have a Creator who loves us, cares for us, and desires to help us navigate the rough waters of this life in a way that provides security, hope, and true, everlasting joy while we anticipate the life to come, with Him.

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  • Author
  • #756246

    @ shanek327′

    Following are few mcq attempted on sec .

    1)Regulation S-X =governs form, content, and req of f/s that must be included in the registration statement
    and 10-K

    2)regulation s-k = contains the instructions for filing the nonf/s forms or disclr req by the SEC required under the Sec Act of 1933, Sec Exchange Act of 1934, and Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975..

    3) Form 10-K comprehensive report of a company's business and financial condition,
    Annual report+audited f/s .

    4) category of filer ( large accelerated/ accelerated /non accelerated ) and Revised Deadlines for Filing Periodic Reports

    5)10-Q includes >>:
    This form must be filed electronically on EDGAR unless this filing causes hardship on the filing company.
    Req f/s include a quarterly and end of the preceding fiscal year b/s .
    If co is subject to seasonal fluctuations, a b/s for corresponding quarter of prior fiscal year is required.

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