Run out of time and box that pops up after time lapses?

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  • #178921

    Hey Everyone,

    I took REG today and I ran out of time. The exam closed on its own after the three hours were up. A pop up box came up and I believe I clicked “OK” before moving on to the screen with the usual survey that follows each exam. I have completed two exams before this REG attempt, and each time I closed the exam before time was up.

    Could someone let me know if this has happened to them, and did it turn out alright (i.e. did you end up passing and know that they received your scores)? Do you know if the answers automatically save or will I lose some? I may be just worrying too much, but I am worried about another thing. Does the box that pops up after the time elapses have only one “OK” option, or is there a slight possibility it contains a quit option and I messed my whole thing up?

    Some insight here would be greatly appreciated. Thanks and good luck to you all.

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  • #427037

    I haven't seen any way to intentionally not report scores for the CPA exam. I've taken other exams (like CLEP) that give you an option at the end to not report your scores, and due to technical difficulties, I have accidentally clicked that button (…long story). But, I don't believe the CPA exam has such an option, so I'm pretty sure your OK button was the only choice. Given that it still had you take the survey, it's reporting something! 🙂

    I've heard, though, that you can call or email NASBA to make sure that your scores were still received.


    Last time I tested I finished with seconds left, and only the OK box popped up and then the screen went black. So I asked the Prometric employees. They said that they can actually see that the answers were saved and submitted.


    To put your mind at ease I ran out of time on my FAR exam and received the time's up box, I was more freaking out because I thought I failed more than I thought they wouldn't receive my test. But I actually wound up passing that exam! I also just took REG and had minutes to go so I just kept rechecking the SIMS until the time's up box popped up again, I have absolute faith that both are tests are saved and will be graded… Good luck to both of us!!

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