Regulation Exam

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  • #3175572

    I just took my final cpa exam. I was not expecting regulation to be so difficult. The first part of the multiple choice I was unsure about at least 10 problems. I couldn’t tell if the second part was more difficult or not but I feel I did better. The first tbs was insane. I could not for the life of me figure it out. I walked out feeling the exact same as I did from my other 3 exams (depleted of all life). I really hope I passed.

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  • #3175638

    It is indeed difficult; I'm using UWorld Roger CPA Review, and am trying to soak up all of the information so that the exam is more manageable. The first time around, I used the books for review, and that was very difficult. I find that the watching the review videos to be an easier format.


    I feel the same way. I took REG today. The first testlet seemed good, and the second testlet didn’t seem harder but was definitely about more nit picky topics so I take that as a good sign I got a difficult testlet instead of medium. However, the TBS’s did seem to trip me up more and more as I progressed. For time management, I was averaging about 20-25 minutes per TBS if I needed to, but I sure used more time on the last 3 or 4 than I needed to. I’m nervous but your similar experiences yet passing scores give me hope.


    I felt the same way. I felt like I completely bombed every TBS but somehow I got an 84!


    I'm with Simone – somehow I managed to pass REG even though every SIM seemed to be a foreign concept.

    FAR 7/25/15 76!
    AUD 10/30/15 93
    BEC 2/27/16 82
    REG 5/23/16 88!
    Ninja Book and MCQ and the forum - all the way!!!
    and a little thing i like to call, time and effort!
    if you want things to change, you have to do something different


    Hi! I sat for REG last quarter and I felt very similarly. I couldn't tell if the second testlet was harder, it just seemed to be the same to me. I also got through it very quickly, I had 30-40 minutes left on the clock before I submitted it in. I remember there was a TBS that I had no idea how to respond to. Unfortunately, I found out I got a 73, ahh.. so close!

    I'm using UWorld Roger CPA review and it's a been really good study program, they did a great job getting me prepared for the MCQs. If I had just spent a little more time on the practice TBSs, I would have definitely passed the REG exam. I'll be sitting again in 9 days and spending much more time on the TBSs this time around.

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