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  • #1506003

    ….okay, now that I got your attention 🙂

    Can someone pleaseeee help me understand this statement, “…If the exam seemed easy or not as difficult that means you failed…if not, then you passed…”

    My questions:
    *DO you think this statement is absolute or subjective?
    **DO you think this statement lines up to your experience in taking these exams??
    ***DO you think it’s possible for someone to fully prepare and still feel semi-confident after leaving an exam??? or are you supposed to feel drained???

    Because the fact of the matter is…you never truly know if you recieved a medium or a hard testlet right after the exam…

    So…I would like to know how people felt immediately after the test versus their ACTUAL SCORES…

    I’ll go first,I took REG at 8am today and I was surprised because my first testlet felt like a breeze. The second testlet was kind of difficult and then I couldn’t really tell with the last testlet. My TBS were kind of difficult…

    Now it’s your turn…Don’t be shy…please share your thoughts…thank you so much for your participation 🙂

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  • #1507324

    I took REG on Monday and I am pretty sure I failed with a score along the lines of 65, but maybe a miracle can save me. I was schedule for March 10th, but my boss was such a jerk that I has no other option but to take whatever was available this quarter.

    My exam experience:

    1st testlet: Easy – Flagged 3-4 questions
    2nd testlet: Easy/Medium – Flagged 5 questions
    3rd testlet: Medium – Flagged 6-7 questions

    I didn't take a break between my 2nd and 3rd testlet, so I feel I was sick of the questions and was answering quicker. Maybe not analyzing too much. I think is good to take breaks, even just to go outside and stretch your legs, and drink water.

    My SIMS were Easy/Medium: The research question was confusing, some topics I wasn't prepare well for it. I didn't master a lot of areas. SIM were mostly about Tax Law. I left 1h:20min for SIMS, and ended up with 15 minutes extra time, but is was mostly because I needed to go pee and I lost concentration and /or I gave up. =(

    My plan for next time, is to master my weak areas: IRA, Trust Tax, Passive Income, Corporate Tax. But hopefully there is no next time. I am praying for a miracle, but I gotta be honest with myself.

    Good luck to everyone on the score release tomorrow, I will wait for mine until March 21.


    @dtatham10 and @res2pect

    I am hoping for you guys with the results tomorrow. I've followed you two quietly in REG study thread as I quietly ground as much REG into me as possible. I took it March 4th.

    As to the original topic of this thread:
    AUD1: felt I passed it with a 75 to 80. Just failed it. To this day, wondering if I screwed up a Sim.
    AUD2: went in loaded for bear, but found a rabid elephant of an exam. Crawled out feeling entirely trampled. Told wife I blew it.
    —Got an 89. I didn't believe my screen at first, and had to find my glasses.
    BEC1: felt 78-82, but got an 83. Full disclosure in that I have a LOT of experience in this area, so just read the book once and did 900 MCQs + a few Sims.
    REG1: It will be close. Good on the MCQs, nailing a few ultra difficult ones. SIMS- ugh. Went for partial credit.
    I was at least confident on the research one. BUT… last minute checking before submitting, I found my mild-moderate dyslexia had betrayed me and I'd flipped
    the correct citation number. In horror, I had to rush to correct it as the clock ticked down.

    If I passed REG, I side with those that feel “If you think you passed, you probably failed” & “If you gave it 120% and think you failed, you probably passed”
    I gave REG about 105 to 110% and not sure if I passed or failed. If I passed, I will buy the second round of drinks after our fellow list member picks up the first round.


    Newbie CPA Candidate


    1st exam – FAR: “If I failed, it had to be with a 74, but I feel like I got an 85-94”
    2nd exam – REG: “It felt more black and white. A path to failing always exists; would have to be a 74. I likely got upper 80s”
    3rd exam – BEC: “The third teslet felt oddly easy. Makes me wonder. It felt good otherwise. If I blew teslet two this will have to be a 74 – I think I passed. 80-90.”
    4th exam – AUD: “There's always a path to failing. I'm cautiously optimistic. 85% confidence on a bunch of answers can burn you on a bad day. I think I passed. 84?”

    See my 3 reported scores below. AUD comes in 2 weeks.


    @tcohle – I have been waiting to find someone in this 1% with me. I'm in it, though I hope for my sake tomorrow I'm not. I have been able to predict my score within 2 points every time. Don't get me wrong, I definitely am on the wagon of believers that this test is clearly curved. But the only times I have passed is when I walk out feelin' like, alright, I pulled that off. But somehow, I've been able to predict my score. I'm also not stupid and I won't dare throw down the score I predict I'll see tomorrow. 🙂

    So – I have never believed the “if you felt like you passed you failed” and vice versa. I know it happens to others but it didn't to me and plenty others here. I don't think people need to leave an exam exhausted – 3 times I've walked out walking on air haha. Everyone is different, as we can see!

    BEC - 74, 77
    FAR - 72, 71 (retake 7/29)
    REG - 69
    AUD - Q4 '16

    CA Candidate


    I cried after Reg and got an 89 hahaha


    I am so glad that my career doesn't depend on passing these exams.


    No seriously you guys are totally cute….I can tell that most of you are still in your 20s just from the way you talk about stuff like this. I was the same way when I was in my 20s and doing undergrad.

    For whatever it's worth, I predicted that I would get a 52 on FAR and instead got a 62!

    And – for those of you who cry after walking out of Prometric, I reiterate what I said earlier, “If you're crying, you probably passed.” Ighhh, I hate people who cry about crap like this.
    The last time I cried it was after one of my best friends told me he was poz (HIV-positive.)


    and @res2pect

    Congrats guys. I see you both passed.
    I was pacing myself off keeping up with you in the REG thread. Behind your 89 and 83, I hope to be on the podium with a 77 <to> 82 score.


    Newbie CPA Candidate


    Thanks neobliviscar! Still can't believe I'm done! Studied more for this retake than any other exam. Wanted to make sure I passed and didn't have to prolong this abuse until August.

    I've posted this in the REG study group, but I have a theory why retakers are passing in Q1. I think there's a lot of people rushing to take REG before the changes who may not be ready. That gives people who already have a good understanding of the material an advantage and maybe that's why we're seeing such an improvement in scores. I'm sure there's more to it, but I find it interesting since Q1 is usually one of the lowest pass rates.

    FAR: 75 Roger & Ninja (notes/flashcards/audio/MCQ)
    AUD: 73, 81
    BEC: 71, retake 8/29


    Thank you GigaByte. I hope we both passed!

    FAR- 76 01/08/2016 exp 08/04/2017
    AUD- 82 04/14/2016
    BEC- May 28th


    REG- TBD

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