REG Today – Same question over and over AND comments on test

  • This topic has 6 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #1509952

    The day has finally come and I have taken the last test in my way of putting CPA after my name.I had a sort of unique experience that I never had before. There was a question that I am sure that I seen repeated on this exam three or four times relating to B-Law. I just found this to be really weird and was wondering if anyone else had this happen to them.

    Overall, I felt that the MC were really manageable. I didn’t really notice an increase in difficulty like I have in past exams. I did notice that there were more problems with numbers in them in the 2nd and 3rd testlets.

    The SIMS were mostly manageable except for what I would guess was the DRS. I filled out all of them to the best of my ability and think I got maybe 50-60% correct. I am hoping that this was enough to pass.

    I felt really uneasy about this exam because I, for once, did not leave Prometric feeling unsure about myself. I think I actually did well. I am hoping that all is clear skies when the scores come out in twelve days.

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  • #1509966

    @bigbear86 thats happened to me on 2 of my 3 exams ive taken so far, including REG. I got the same question in each MC testlet – which to me is totally ridiculous that the exam would even let that happen. If you happen to know the answer, its extremely lucky and if you don't it pretty unfairly unlucky. Both exams I had where a question was repeated multiple times the question was basically just a simple fact-type question – either you knew it or you didn't. I find it extremely strange.


    I took REG today and had this same experience!!! I felt like I kept getting a few of the same questions, just worded a little differently or asking something slightly different. But the same repeated topics. Meanwhile there were so many topics that never even came up. Idk how to feel about it. I also don't think my testlets got harder 🙁 honestly if anything I thought that my first testlet was the hardest. Praying it somehow works out, I feel weird about it overall.

    BEC- August 31


    I also took reg today and had the SAME experience as @accountingbeans


    and the only SIM I knew was the research one


    I left the test center feeling with a 50_50 chance. Some mcq I felt very unsure and took my best guess and moved on. I felt better when I took FAR and felt I could get a higher 80 or 90 but I got a 79. When I took BEC I thought I was going to get 50s and got 71 with 10 days of studying. This test I hope to get at least 75. It was too much detail. I think maybe I focus memorizing things they never asked. I just feel mentally drained!


    Good luck to all of you and keep me updated when scores are released! I'm hoping for passes all the way around and one less block of stress for us all to deal.

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