Reg- Timed out

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  • #190128

    I was taking the exam and got all of the items entered. I was going through and checking the answers (trying to use the entire 3 hours) and the exam timed out before I could click exit. if I had everything filled out but didn’t physically click “exit” will the exam still count the info I entered? I realize this may be a dumb question, but I jsut took the exam and am obviously over thinking everything now.


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  • #619594

    You'll be fine. The same thing happened to me on REG (the second time).

    I passed.


    THANKS. Just finished the exam an hour ago and I'm going through the, “what if I answered this differently” phase.


    @jgmart04- what were your thoughts on the exam?


    I thought I did very well on the MCQ. The sims were about as expected and the stuff I was iffy on was (of coarse) on there. Be sure to really hit the stuff you're not sure on pretty hard. The adaptive learning with Ninja MCQ does a good job of outlining the stuff you stuggled with, but be sure to READ and COMPREHEND the stuff you are uneasy on. I tried doing that last night. Really tried to not over do MCQ last night. Lite reading and went over notes of my stuggling items.

    I'll find out on December 8th

    Good luck


    Same thing just happened to me on BEC. I was going over my written communication answers and it timed out. Can anyone else confirm this is OK?

    REG - 82
    AUD - 97
    BEC - 81
    FAR - 84


    Greg, I don't have any answers on the timing out, but how did BEC go?

    FAR 7/8/14 - 88 - Becker live course
    REG 10/14/14 - 82 - Becker live course, Ninja notes and audio
    BEC 11/25/14 - 88 - Becker live course, Ninja audio, Wiley book for extra questions
    AUD 2/3/15 - 94 - Becker self study, Ninja audio, Wiley book for extra questions



    it is OK. It has happened to me and I passed.


    BEC was tricky. As others have mentioned, there are some topics that had far more detailed questions than I expected. No way to prepare, just know as much as you can about everything. Writing was fair. Moderate hard moderate. The second time I went back through my answers i felt better than the first pass, but that may just have been me justifying my selection!

    REG - 82
    AUD - 97
    BEC - 81
    FAR - 84


    I have willingly let all of my exams “time out” rather than click “exit” at the end. I had everything done but was just reviewing it and wanted to use the full time. You can see my scores. It doesn't matter if you don't click exit, it obviously still takes your answers. I honestly never even thought I needed to click “exit” before time ran out. It is irrelevant.

    FAR- 92 (7/25/2014)
    AUD- 93 (8/30/2014)
    REG- 93 (10/10/2014)
    BEC- 91 (11/10/2014)

    Using Becker self-study only. Working full-time.


    I timed out on the BEC last month while checking over my WC's and got an 84. You can time out, it saves your work for you, don't worry.

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