REG thoughts - Page 2

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  • #188307

    Took REG yesterday and like everyone else I don’t know if I passed. I used Becker and WTB to prepare. This was my last part and scored in the 80s/90s on the first three parts. Without being specific, I was astounded by how much of my exam tested obscure topics that were barely covered in the review materials or were absent from the review materials. Whereas entire sections of review material went untested. What is the point of this testing approach? How does this help the profession? Honestly, it seems like more of a disservice to the profession. Very important and relevant topics should be the ones most highly tested. What a joke! Especially when someone puts in months of hard work! Time for the score release lottery.

    BEC - 91 Jan. 2014
    AUD - 86 Feb. 2014
    FAR - 85 May 2014
    REG - 68 Aug. 2014 Retake Oct. 2014

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  • #596186

    Pretest or not, if the content isn't covered by the major review programs, how do examiners expect candidates to be prepared for them?

    And while I am on my soapbox, I should mention that someone needs to take a long hard look at how the IRC is written. Trying to apply the standards is like trying to drink coffee with a fork. Congress makes the FASB look like geniuses. +1 for self-regulation.

    BEC - 91 Jan. 2014
    AUD - 86 Feb. 2014
    FAR - 85 May 2014
    REG - 68 Aug. 2014 Retake Oct. 2014


    I took the REG exam on 8/29 and I also agree the questions I got were on pretty obscure material. I don't feel confident on this exam, but I never know what to expect. My score always seem to shock me.

    AUD-71, 74, 82
    FAR-68 (Awaiting Score 2/27/15)

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