REG test…was weird

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  • #834547
    C / X

    I took REG on 9/9 and it was…weird. The 1st testlet was too easy so I started getting paranoid and on the 2nd and 3rd testlet I started second guessing myself on almost every question. Although some of the questions were exactly what was covered, there were little minutiae details that I had no idea to answer on a few. Probably shouldn’t have taken it when my brain felt a little loopy but I couldn’t reschedule.

    Then the Sims came and I felt that most of the questions were on similar topics but not the actual topic studied with half being ok and half being freaking hard/impossible. The DRS actually seemed pretty easy to me but I bet that is the one they throw out. :/

    I’m glad I read this forum before I took the exam because I wouldn’t be surprised if I passed or failed depending on what questions they throw out.

    BTW does anyone know the earliest you can get scores? I keep hearing SEP 20 but I also hear 6 business days after close.

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  • #834610

    @Christina sounds like you and I had the same experience. The little details in the MCQ threw me off as well and the SIMS were just brutal. Looking back, I know for sure i missed a handful of questions on the MCQ and i'll be lucky if i get partial on some of the SIMS. It was weird because i knew the material but the way they asked it was a bit strange to me – thus throwing me off. Maybe its just my test taking skills, but who knows.

    As for the earliest to get scores, im in CA and the only score release i know of is 6am on the target date. Correct me if i am wrong ninjas

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