REG test (sims)

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  • #2695974

    Ugh took it yesterday can’t stop kicking myself for missing two sim boxes, the second I walked out of the test I knew I put the wrong answer (and they were super easy points), and one of them built off another box so that is now wrong as well. Now that’s two guaranteed (three unless these sims are graded in some crazy way) wrong to go along with all the other mistakes I may have made.

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  • #2696226

    As long as you did really well on the MCQs you’ll be fine. I got an 82 on REG and it said I did weaker than average on SIMs, which I kind of expected since I only knew that I got 3-4 of the 8 questions completely right and the rest I felt like I just got partial credit. I did stronger on the MCQs. As long as you feel good about your MCQs you can still pass even if you struggled on the SIMs.


    Also took REG yesterday. I strongly dislike the material which doesn't help.

    Don't they throw out one of the sims on every test? Another CPA told me that. Could be wrong. I'm new here so this might be addressed elsewhere.

    I refuse to go back and look at subjects I probably screwed up. It's up to fate now. The waiting game sucks though. We will know soon enough! Best of luck.


    Yes, one SIM is a pretest (doesn't count towards score) unfortunately my mistakes were on two separate SIMs. So at best one doesn't count at worse both count and one I did well on gets thrown out. I didn't go back over the material, I never do either. I just realized I forgot to add something into a calculation on one and used the number for another while literally checking out to leave.


    I’m pretty sure I know what sims you’re talking about, at least one of them anyways. I took 09/09, and had one where the calculations( three of them ) that built off the original basis calculation. Definitely messed that one up for the building, but we’ll see how it goes.


    I heard there is no such thing as partial credit on sims…anyone know what nasba or aicpa says?


    Lol I don’t know who told you that, but they are absolutely 10000% incorrect. I I know for sure that I wouldn’t pass any exams without partial credit on the sims.

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